Morning Star: Book III of the Red Rising Trilogy
stronger than he was, smelling of tobacco and engine fuel and sweat. He half laughs,halfcrieslikeanexciteddogintomychest.“Iknewyouwerealive.Ibloodydamnknewit.
    Pixie bitches can’t fool me.” Pulling back, he looks down at me with a rickshaw grin. “You bloodydamnbastard.”
    “Oh,shit,sorrybrotherman.”Heletsmesinkbackintothechair,andkneelssowe’reeyetoeye.“I saiditonce.NowI’llsayittwice.Ifthere’stwothingsinthisworldthatcan’tbekilled,it’sthefungus
    A shadow falls over the room as a man enters and blocks the overhead light near the door. The childrenclusterjoyouslyaroundRagnarsohecanbarelywalk.
    “Hello,Reaper,” hesaysovertheirshouts.
    IgreetRagnarwithasmile.Hisfaceisasimpassiveasever.Tattooedandpale,callusedfromthe windofhisarctichome,likethehideofarhinoceros.Hiswhitebeardisbraidedintofourstrands, andthehaironhisheadshavedexceptforatailofwhitethatisbraidedwithredribbons.Thechildren areaskinghimifhe’sbroughtthempresents.
    Heleansinclose.“Doyoulike’em?”Buriedinthatsquinting,sharp-angledface,hiseyesareno longer that dirty shade of Gold, but are now as red as Martian soil. He pulls back his lids so I can bettersee.They’renotcontacts.Andtherightisnolongerbionic.
    at his joint in Yorkton—creepy place, by the by—when we raided it for supplies to bring back to TinostohelptheRising.Ifiguredyouweren’tusin’’em,so…”Heshrugsawkwardly.“SoIaskedif he’dput’emin.Youknow.Bringusclosertogether.Somethingtorememberyouby.That’snotso
    “Itoldhimitwasodd,” Ragnarsays.Oneofthegirlsisclimbinghisleg.
    “DeannaofLykos,mayweborrowyoursonformartialmatters?” Ragnarasksmymother. “He hasmuchtodo.Manythingstoknow.”
    thelaundry.”MymotherpushesabagoffreshlypatchedsocksintoRagnar ’sarms.
    “Like a dumbass.” He’s eating a candy bar over my head as he pushes my wheelchair recklessly throughthestonecorridor.Hesprintsfastagainandhopsonthebacktocoasttillweswerveintothe wall.Iwinceinpain.“SoRagnarfallsstraightintothesea.Thingwasatfullchop,man.Wavesthe size of torchships. So I dive in too, thinking he needs my help, just in time for this huge…I dunno whatthehellyou’dcallit.SomeCarvedbeasty…”
    “Demon,” Ragnar says from behind. I hadn’t noticed him following. “It was a sea demon from thethirdlevelofHel.”
    “Sure.” Sevro guides me around a corner, clipping the wall hard enough to make me bite my tongue, and sending a cluster of Sons pilots scattering. They stare after me as we

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