
Free Capture by Annabelle Jacobs

Book: Capture by Annabelle Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annabelle Jacobs
the specifics about this plan. He would take no chances with his sister’s life. “You will not stay and fight. Do you understand?”
    “Yes, Sire. I will guard the princess with my life.”
    Ryneq clasped Nysad’s shoulder in a silent thank-you before standing and rolling up the map to signal the end of the meeting. “Get your men ready. We leave for Hervath in two days’ time.”
    Both Eldin and Nysad nodded and quietly left the room, leaving Ryneq alone with Cerylea. She hadn’t spoken since he’d outlined his backup plan, and it was making him wary. Cerylea wasn’t normally one to hold her tongue.
    “What will you do if we’re attacked?” she asked eventually, her voice sounding quiet and small in the empty room.
    Ryneq turned to face her and sighed. “I’ll fight with the rest of my men.”
    “Your life is just as valuable as mine, brother.”
    “No.” He walked toward her and took her face in his hands. “You are our future, Cerylea. With the alliance of the lowland armies, their numbers will greatly surpass ours. It’s only a matter of time before they realize that together they outnumber us and attack with a combined force. When that happens, even with the dragon riders, Torsere will not survive much longer without the protection the elves are offering us. And for that to happen, you need to get to Alel safely.” He drew her to him and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “But above all that, you are my sister, my only family, and I would die before I let anything happen to you.”
    The silence stretched out between them, and Ryneq’s mind inevitably drifted to the subject they’d both been avoiding. “Cerylea, I know I promised never to bring it up, but if you let one of the dragon ri—”
    She went rigid in his arms. “No.”
    “Only as far as the bridge, and I’d send you with Eldin hims—”
    “I said no, Ryneq.”
    It would be so much safer if he could get her to the bridge on the back of one of his dragons, but her fingers were digging into his skin and he felt the rapid beat of her heart against his chest. He should have expected this reaction, and guilt lay heavy in the pit of his stomach. “I’m sorry. Forget I brought it up.”
    She took a deep shuddering breath, and finally relaxed her grip on his arms. “I know I’d be safe, but I… I can’t go up there again, Ryneq. I love the dragons as much as you, but the thought of being that high makes my whole body tight with fear. I just can’t do it.”
    Cerylea’s fear of heights had taken them all by surprise. They’d lived in the mountains for all of their lives, and never once had she been afraid. But when she’d begged one of their father’s riders to take her out flying, she’d screamed until her throat was raw, and passed out in the saddle. It had taken her days to get over it. The king had been livid, and it had almost cost the rider his place in the king’s army. Cerylea had begged Ryneq never to mention it again. But he’d had to try.
    “It’s all right. We won’t speak of it again.”
    She relaxed against his chest, and Ryneq held her tight. Since their parents’ death, he and Cerylea were closer than ever. He would do anything in his power to ensure her safety and happiness.
    “There’s one thing I ask of you though, Ryneq.”
    Cerylea pulled back a little so she could see his face. “If we are attacked, you need to do everything you can to stay alive. Promise me?”
    Ryneq looked down at her. “Cerylea, I….” She knew what she was asking. If Ryneq were captured alive, they would torture him until he gave up her whereabouts. She knew him well enough to know that he would rather die fighting than let himself be captured.
    “I can’t lose you either, Ryneq. Promise me… please .”
    Ryneq opened his mouth to protest again, but she covered his mouth with one of her hands. “We will find you, Ryneq. Just stay alive and we will find you.”
    Against his better judgment, he closed his

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