Perfect Submission
naked, and slowly trace my hands over my body. I’ve spent
the past twenty-four hours caught up in anxious thoughts and fears,
my brain working overtime. Now, it’s amazing to just let that all
dissolve, and focus on nothing but my body.
    How good it feels under my hands. How much
better it will feel under his.
    The door opens. I stroke down my belly,
knowing the effect it will have on Cam. With a low groan, he steps
inside and closes the door behind him. Then he leans back against
the wall, still staring hotly at my naked body.
    I stretch for him, displaying myself.
Arching my back and letting my thighs drop open.
    “Don’t stop,” he orders me. “Keep
    I catch my breath, then start to touch
myself again, more intimate this time. I cup my breasts, gently
squeezing my nipples into stiff peaks.
    Cam makes a growl of approval.
    “More,” he commands.
    I move my hands lower, skimming past my
belly and down to my pussy. I slowly circle my clit with one
finger, moaning aloud as the pleasure ripples sweetly through me.
Thank God the engines are roaring, because it’s about to get a lot
louder in here.
    Cam clenches his jaw, and quickly strips off
his shirt and tie.
    “How does it feel?” he asks, his voice
    “So good,” I murmur, sinking my finger
inside me. “Oh,” I moan. “I’m so wet. Cam…”
    Cam yanks his pants and underwear off, and
then he’s naked. His cock juts proudly, thick and ready.
    I moan again, moving my fingers deeper
inside, but imagining it’s him, splitting me wide open.
    Cam kneels on the bed, straddling me. “Come
here,” he growls. “Suck me, now.”
    I sit up, eager to obey. I lick my tongue
over the head of him, tasting salt and precum. I moan in
appreciation, then move my hands to cup his ass.
    “No.” Cam stops me. “Don’t stop touching
yourself. I want to feel those juicy lips take every inch of me as
you rub that sweet little clit.”
    Wetness pools around my fingers. Fuck, I’m
already so turned on I can’t think straight.
    I move my hand back between my legs, keeping
up the pressure on my clit as Cam thrusts his cock towards my
mouth. I open wide, licking down the length of his shaft and back
before finally taking him deep, all the way to the back of my
    “Fuck,” Cam curses with a groan. He fists my
hair in one hand, controlling my motion as he pulls back, and then
sinks between my lips again, harder. Deeper.
    I moan in pleasure, sucking eagerly, licking
around the head as he pulls back and thrusts again. He yanks on my
hair, totally controlling the pace and speed, increasing his tempo
as he fucks my mouth in long, delicious strokes.
    Oh God, I can’t get enough.
    I whimper against him, sucking hungrily. I
love the taste of him, the scent, the overwhelming demands of his
cock as he plunges into me, taking mercilessly but leaving me
begging for more with every stroke. I lose track of everything
except his pleasure, surrendering totally to his command.
    “I told you to touch yourself,” Cam growls.
Suddenly, his hand joins mine between my legs, stroking with me,
faster and harder. Oh God, now I’m so close to the edge, his thick
fingers pressing between mine, deep inside me. He rubs my clit with
his thumb, finger-fucking me in time with his thrusts, so that I’m
totally lost to the wild frenzy of his cock and fingers and deep
    The pressure builds inside me, so fast I
can’t hold back. Cam curls his fingers up high and shoves his cock
deep down my throat, and then I’m coming, my cries muffled by his
thick shaft. I’m still gasping in the throes of my climax when Cam
suddenly pulls out and pushes me back on the bed.
    He grabs my ankles in each hand and lifts
them up around his neck, folding me back so my clenching pussy is
totally exposed and open to him. In one swift thrust, he spears his
cock inside me.
    I moan from the incredible sensation, fuck,
so thick, so deep. He thrusts hard, riding my orgasm,

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