Burned by Abi (Devil Savages MC Book 2)

Free Burned by Abi (Devil Savages MC Book 2) by Harley McRide

Book: Burned by Abi (Devil Savages MC Book 2) by Harley McRide Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harley McRide
these guys with him. They go from asshole to baby-babbling, horsie-ride-giving softies.”
    “ Horsie rides? Damn I gotta see that shit.” The guys started walking in, all migrating upstairs. “I guess it’s time.”
    “Yeah. I don’t think it’ll take that long today. Mostly just tasking out security details and shit, and rounding up all the ol’ ladies and kids and shit. The only downside is that a lot of the rats are going to be hauled in here with us. On one hand, it’ll be good to keep the assholes occupied, but damn if I wanna deal with some of those little skanks. I’m one word away from doing a sweep on a couple of these whores. Jody is out. I’m bouncing her nappy ass down the pavement tonight. Rachael is right behind her. The guys are getting tired of their shit anyway.”
    “Who are they?” Abi pointed to the two new faces over in the corner who were taking a lot of shit from Jody and Rachael.
    “The redhead is Cherry. She seems to be a pretty sweet girl, and rumor has it, she can suck a tennis ball through a water hose. The brunette is Katy.”
    "Yeah, I recognized her. She was the one Tonka had fucked the other night." Abi fought the urge to bash her pretty little head against the wall. What the hell? Abi wasn’t one to ever be even the slightest bit jealous, but just seeing the girl’s face had her temper raging.
    “You okay?” Chevy’s voice cut through her inner dialog.
    “Hum? Oh, yeah. Fine.” Abi grabbed a bag of chips off the table and crammed a handful into her mouth. Chevy watched her carefully, but didn’t pry. If the girl was finally setting her sites on one of the guys, the less she knew the better. Plus, she had bigger fish to fry. Once again, Jody’s skank ass was causing problems. She’d done been warned to stay away from the married bikers and had ignored it one too many times. Sandman, Tonto, and Yo Neg were walking by when she made her move. With Rose at the doctor and Raven with her, Chevy stepped in.
    “Excuse me for a minute… I need to take out the fuckin’ trash.” Chevy walked over to the girl who was hanging on the guys, her hand cupping not the single man's dick, but of the dicks of Rose's men. “I warned you, you nasty slut.” With no other warning, Chevy cocked back and knocked Jody on her ass, diving on top of her with both hands swinging. The two tumbled around the floor, Chevy keeping the upper hand. Jody got few blows in, and like most stupid cunts, she tried pulling hair more than her fists made contact. “Oh fuck no.” Chevy grabbed her head with both hands and slammed it to the ground. Jody fought for her life, clawing and thrashing under her. Somehow in the mix, Jody’s scrap of a shirt was torn off, her back exposed.
    “You stupid slut, get off me!” Jody screamed. Chevy rolled her over and planted her face in the concrete with enough force her nose and mouth spurt open. Blood ran down her face, the lumps and bumps already swelling. Jody flipped to her side and took a swing but Chevy dodged to the side. With the girl off-balance, Chevy grabbed her arm and wrenched it behind her back, flipping her back over on her stomach. With her shirt gaping open and shredded, her back was fully exposed. The room gasped. In the middle of her shoulder blades, the Savages’ colors were inked into her flesh.
    “Oh, hell no. Abi, bring me a blade. This little slut got the Devil Savages’ tat without earning it. That’s club property, whore, and I’m taking it back.” Her words set the bitches in motion. Getting the mark was a privilege that was earned, and took years to get. For her to go out on her own and get tatted was a slap in the face to all the girls. Abi didn’t flinch, knowing that by the time the bitches and Chevy got done with her, there wouldn’t be much left. She handed Chevy her blade and backed away, catching Rachael out of the corner of her eye. Don’t do it, cunt. Before Abi could get her next thought out, Rachael did it . In one leap,

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