Dirty Twisted Love

Free Dirty Twisted Love by Lili Valente

Book: Dirty Twisted Love by Lili Valente Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lili Valente
Tags: Romance
continued to fuck her with his hand. “Come you worthless bitch.”
    Crying out in what sounded like agony, she came, her pussy squeezing his fingers tight. She came gasping for air, sobbing and cursing as her cream gushed out to coat his hand until he could smell her salty sweetness on the air and the last of his capacity for rational thought left him in a rush of raw hunger. He needed to be inside her, needed to replace his fingers with his cock and ride her until she screamed.
    “Stop,” she shouted as he pulled her shorts and panties down her legs. “We don’t have protection!”
    She rolled over, trying to crawl away, but he was on her in a second, pinning her, belly down on the grass, as he shoved his shorts down far enough to free his cock.
    “Pull out before you come,” she snapped. “Do you hear me?”
    He growled low in his throat in response. He was beyond words or compassion. He needed his dick in her, needed it like he’d never needed anything in his life. He was wild with it, bestial, ravenous.
    He was drowning in his own lust and there was only one thing that could bring him back to the surface.
    His bared teeth pressed against Harley’s neck, he roughly kneed her thighs apart. She squirmed beneath him, rocking against his cock, feeding the madness. He threaded his hands under her arms, gripping her shoulders from the front, holding her in place as he drove frantically between her legs. He missed her entrance the first several thrusts, but finally his cock found her wet heat and he rammed home.
    She moaned as he plunged to the end of her, but he moaned louder, a sound of deliverance that echoed through the air as he began to fuck her like an animal. His arms were iron banded around her body and his spine curled tightly as he thrust deeper, harder, crying out through gritted teeth as he pistoned in and out. He was no longer a man; he was a beast filled with the primal need to fuck the woman beneath him.
    “I hate you,” Harley cried out, the words ending in a sob. “I hate you!”
    “I hate you, too,” he said in a ragged voice he barely recognized. “Now come for me again. Come for me.”
    Clay took a mouthful of her shoulder muscle between his teeth and bit down, grunting around her flesh as her pussy convulsed around his cock. Her entire body vibrated as she tumbled over with a wild cry, the feel of her trembling in his arms only making him wilder. Abandoning his grip on her shoulders, he clutched at her hips, squeezing tight as he rammed home again and again, driving his cock into her as she clawed the ground and her pussy continued to pulse around him, pushing him to the breaking point.
    God, he was so fucking close, the precipice was looming. He knew there was something he needed to remember, but he couldn’t think straight, couldn’t regain control.
    He was lost in her—her heat, her smell, the way her cunt clutched at his thickness, coating him in her heat—and this was the only way to get free. He came with a roar, pulsing inside her body, his balls aching and his cock jerking and a pained, tortured feeling spreading through his chest as he felt the thick jets of come gushing inside her.
    Shit. Holy shit.
    Even as his body flushed with the bliss of release, misery and regret crept around from behind to sucker-punch him in the gut.
    He’d come inside her. He’d fucked her bare and God only knew if she was on birth control. Considering he was pretty sure she’d told him to pull out, the answer was probably no.
    What the fuck had he been thinking?
    You weren’t thinking. She destroys your capacity for rational thought.
    Admit it and take appropriate measures before you get her knocked up again and have to spend nine months with this psychopath, waiting for your second child to be born.
    The thought made his throat lock up as he pulled out of her, sitting back on his heels with a ragged sigh. She could be pregnant already. It could already be too late.
    “Get up,” he

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