Hate Me Today (Save Me #3)

Free Hate Me Today (Save Me #3) by Katheryn Kiden

Book: Hate Me Today (Save Me #3) by Katheryn Kiden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katheryn Kiden
can’t keep working like this, Jason. I need to at least have some sort of civil relationship between us. You don’t have to like me, just stop treating me like shit twenty-four-seven. So can we call a truce? At least while we’re working; outside of that you can hate me all you want.”
    It takes me a minute to decide but my life on the road would probably be a lot smoother if I wasn’t constantly trying to think of a way to piss her off.
    I hold my hand out for her to shake. “I’ll call a truce until the tour is over but I still hate you.
    “I would expect nothing less,” she whispers, resting her head back against my shoulder.

    “You can stare at those bruises all damn day but it won’t change the fact that they’re there.” Mandi smiles sadly at me in the mirror and drapes a scarf over my shoulders. “Cover them up and forget about them.”
    “It’s not that easy,” I sigh, pressing my fingers into the purple and yellow marks that haven’t changed much in two days.
    “It’s easier than explaining to the press why you have handprints around your neck.” She shrugs and walks off, leaving me alone in the tiny bathroom.
    I can’t help but wonder what the hell I did in life to get here. Not here as in a tour bus on tour singing, but here, staring at my reflection in a mirror. I shouldn’t be wrapping scarfs around my neck to hide bruising from my boyfriend.
    Ex-boyfriend who was married , I remind myself.
    They say God only gives you as much as you can handle. Well, I better be getting a cape here real soon because he must think I’m a fucking superhero.
    I take a deep breath and step out of the tiny bathroom, running straight into Jason.
    “You good to go?” he asks, eyeing my neck.
    I shift uncomfortably, not used to this side of him. Or him talking to me for something other than to bitch or insult me.
    “Yeah.” I nod. “I’m good.” I lie. I’m so far from good right now it’s crazy but I’m afraid if I tell him, he’ll use it against me and I’m not willing to put myself in that position. I walk away from him and almost make it to the front of the bus before his words stop me.
    “It’s not your fault : it doesn’t make you weak, if that’s what you’re thinking. You deal with my ass daily and haven’t broken down and I’m the biggest dick you’ll ever meet. But don’t ever think that what he did had anything to do with you.”
    I turn and find him smiling sadly. Something about the way he says it leads me to believe that he’s said those words before. I can’t handle it though. If he keeps talking, he’s going to make me think he actually has a heart.
    “You’ve gotta stop talking now.”
    Jason chuckles , “Why? You said you wanted to call a truce. This is me being nice, is it not nice enough for you?”
    His eyes shine when he laughs and it’s probably the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. The sudden urge to climb him like a tree comes over me and I know I need to walk away before anything happens between us again because I know that’s not what I should be thinking about right now. Or ever.
    “You have to stop. Being pleasant to work with and being caring are two different things and I think you jumped head first into caring for a second. I can’t handle it. Say something mean,” I laugh, joking my way out of an awkward situation. Jason steps forward, ushering me off the bus.
    “Don’t worry Princess, I still hate you. Maybe if I’m nice to you I can somehow convince you to quit though.”
    “Ulterior motives; good to know you’re still an asshole.”
    I grab the door handle to the SUV and slide in next to Mandi who’s laughing at something Devon said.
    “Fear not, me being an asshole will never change. Nothing to worry about there.”
    “Look at you two all cute and cuddly,” I smile at Mandi who is pulled flush against Devon as he whispers something in her ear. Mandi’s face reddens at whatever he’s saying as we take off to find

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