
Free Bent by Hb Heinzer

Book: Bent by Hb Heinzer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hb Heinzer
willing to mention the relaxed atmosphere or the failed attempts at subtle flirting between the two.
    When it came time to leave, Austin suggested a rematch. As Julia followed Lizzie to the restrooms, she overheard Austin giving Micah a hard time for throwing the pool game the night before and following it up with an over-priced dinner. Before she could hear Micah's response, the door closed and the women were alone.
    Instead of heading into one of the stalls, Lizzie leaned against the counter, folding her arms over her chest. "Do I want to know?" The look on her face was the closest to a glare Julia had ever seen from Lizzie. "What was going on out there?"
    Even if Julia had answers to the questions Lizzie wasn't asking, she wasn't sure they'd ever been close enough that she would open up to her. "I don't even know, so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to tell you." She pulled the tinted gloss out of her purse and moved towards the counter, suddenly uncomfortable with everything about the evening.
    "Just be careful with him, okay?" Lizzie begged. "He's been through hell and back since you've been gone. I'm not saying you haven't been, but that bitch made his life a living hell every day before she left and more so once she was gone. Just be careful." Julia's breath caught at hearing the profanities coming out of Lizzie's mouth. Things had definitely changed... Lizzie left Julia alone to consider what she'd said.
    Whatever had happened with Caleb's mom no longer seemed like karmic payback. This was the second time in one day Julia had been warned about the changes in Micah's life while she was gone. Everyone seemed to share the opinion that the woman he'd cheated on Julia with was a vile creature who had put Micah and his son through hard times. As much as she wanted to ask Micah about his ex on the drive home, she couldn't. Instead, they rode in silence.
    "So, are we going to The Oasis?" she asked when the truck slowed at the city limits. She didn't want the night to end.
    Micah shook his head without looking at her.
    "Are you okay?"
    He placed his arm on the console, offering his hand to her. "I have no clue." His voice was too quiet, his face showed a hint of sadness.
    Julia wondered what he was thinking and how a night that seemed so right when they left Madison now felt like a mistake. She knew she wasn't imagining the playfulness they shared and hated herself for thinking she could somehow be in Micah's presence without letting herself feel something for him.
    There was little reassurance in the squeeze she felt from Micah's hand around her own. In some ways, they were still damaged adolescents recovering from a broken relationship. "Hey, Jules... it'll be okay." For the first time since leaving the restaurant, there was a trace of a smile on Micah's lips.
    Julia wasn't ready to say goodnight as Micah pulled into the driveway. When he rounded the front of the truck to open her door, she grabbed his fingers to pull him towards the house. His strong legs held him in place. "I don't think this is a good idea," he said softly. "Jules, we're not kids anymore. Hell, I have a kid who's not much older than I was when I met you." He paused for a moment before lowering his lips on the top of her head. "I don't think you have any clue how much I want to go inside with you. I want it bad enough that I'm telling you no."
    Julia looked up at him, perplexed. "But I'm not ready for goodnight," she whispered. "I don't care if we sit on opposite sides of the kitchen table, I just want some more time. I want to spend time with my friend. That's it."
    Wrapped in each other's arms, Micah and Julia walked to the front porch. "I don't know if I can sit across the table from you," he whispered in her ear, trailing her neck with kisses.
    "Try," she breathed into his ear. "Otherwise we can stay outside. Just don't leave me yet." As the words came out of her mouth, she realized it was probably the best idea she'd had all night. If they sat on the

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