
Free Fixer by Gene Doucette

Book: Fixer by Gene Doucette Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gene Doucette
have expected, given the overall square footage, at least large enough that someone on the toilet might not feel like they were intruding overmuch on someone in the tub.
    “Morning,” Maggie said from in the shower. “I didn’t want to interrupt the divining session.”
    “It’s not divination,” he said whilst peeing. And peeing. 
    “Sure,” she said. “Call it what you want. Still freaks me out.”
    “Me, too.”
    “You ever wonder where it comes from?”
    “All the time. But wondering about it doesn’t seem to change anything.”
    “Still. If I were a religious person . . .”
    “Yeah. I’ve heard that theory.”
    She laughed. “I’m trying to picture you with a pair of wings.”
    “That’s so hard?” he asked as he finished his duties at the toilet and flushed.
    “After last night? Maybe a couple of horns and a tail would fit better.”
    She shut off the shower. Corrigan elected not to watch her emerge from the bath and started instead to brush his teeth. He liked to think they were familiar enough with one another by now to share a bathroom without gawking. 
    “How’s your schedule?” she asked as she toweled herself off.
    “Not bad,” he said through the toothpaste. “Three appointments, pretty spread out. Shouldn’t be a hassle.”
    “You made any decisions yet? About the case?”
    “I’ll think about it.”
    “I’m going to need an answer pretty soon. I am out on a limb for you here.”
    His answer was to spit into the sink. Hers was to discard the towel and walk out of the bathroom. “I’m late,” she said as she went, while Corrigan watched her ass. Apparently he was not quite beyond gawking just yet. He rinsed and followed the ass back into the bedroom.
    “My first appointment isn’t for another four hours,” he said, walking past her as she assembled her clothing on the bed.
    “Yeah?” she said. “Nice job you got there. I have to get home for something clean and then make it to work by seven thirty. Have you seen my bra?”
    “Under the lamp,” he said, lying back on the bed. “What you wore yesterday looks fine.”
    She shot him a look that spoke entire paragraphs. The short version said, “No fucking way am I showing up in the same clothes and especially not after I told my boss whom I was going to be meeting.” The longer version had more swears in it and possibly a few remarks about Corrigan’s upbringing, but he got the idea. She fetched her bra from the nightstand and slipped it on with clinical efficiency.
    “Can I ask you something without pissing you off?” Maggie asked. “Again, I mean. I know we’ve been through it before . . .”
    “Maggie . . .”
    “No, I’m not . . . I don’t want to push you. This is just me being curious here. No baggage. I swear.”
    “Why don’t I quit,” he said.
    “People have accidents every day , Corrigan. You said it yourself, you can’t save all of them. Not that it isn’t a noble cause. You’re just not . . .”
    “A noble person?”
    “Not what I meant. You don’t have to, is what I mean. The world will keep on spinning and all that.”
    He lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. “Honestly, I don’t know. It just doesn’t feel like something I can do right now. Eventually.”
    “Eventually,” she repeated. “Sure.”
    “Look, you said . . .”
    “I know what I said. It’s my fault; I shouldn’t have asked.” She was now fully dressed except for the blouse and jacket, both of which were still in the living room. “None of my business. Sorry. Get back to me on the case, okay? I know what you think of Calvin, but you’d be working with me, not him. And I think it’d be good for you.”
    “How so?”
    “You look like you could use a change of pace.”
    “I thought last night was a change of pace.”
    “No, honey. Last night was business as usual for Corrigan Bain. Not that I’m complaining. Ciao .”
    And with that she strolled out of the bedroom. It must have

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