Beguiling (Tempting #2)

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Book: Beguiling (Tempting #2) by Alex Lucian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Lucian
to mirror mine. “Not particularly, why?”
    I wasn’t expecting a why. That meant he wanted something from me, in some way. And I wasn’t expecting or ready for that.
    “ I have things I need to get done today.” I set my coffee cup on the counter and looked beyond him to the door. “So, if you want to get going…” I let my own voice trail off with that.
    He waited a beat longer before he picked up his jacket and looked at it between his hands. And without a second glance, he was out the door.

Chapter Ten
    W hen I opened the door and saw Liza, holding a bottle of cheap wine and wearing a look of expectation on her face, I nearly laughed. “Do we need booze for this?” she asked, holding the bottle up higher as if I hadn’t seen it already.
    I gestured her in and shut the door, praying Leo hadn’t been looking out the window at the moment she’d arrived. Because I did not want him to seeing Liza here and possibly guessing what that meant.
    “It’s only eleven, Liza.” I plopped onto the couch as she joined me after retrieving the wine opener from the kitchen.
    She tucked her chin-length blonde bob behind her ears. “In Europe, people drink all day long.” The cork came out of the bottle with a very crisp popping sound and she poured some into two glasses.
    Peering over my glasses, I raised an eyebrow. “That’s very indeterminate. I could say that ‘fact’ about Americans too.”
    “Right.” She lifted both glasses and handed me one. “And we’re American, so we’re going to drink while you explain to me why you’re wearing eyeglasses in the middle of the day. I’ve only seen you do that once, and it was that time you got a B on the test you should’ve aced and cried all day over it.”
    “Ugh.” Its reminder was unwelcome and my mouth curved in distaste. “I’m still not over that, thanks for bringing it up.”
    “You’re welcome. Now tell me. What’s up?”
    I sighed and stared down into my glass.
    “Shit. I didn’t pour you enough, did I?”
    Shaking my head, I set the glass back down on the coffee table. “I’m too full from breakfast. And the very last thing I need is more alcohol.”
    Liza shifted in her cushion, her blue eyes widening. “ More alcohol? Ooh, this is gonna be good. Maybe I need more wine for this.” She picked up my glass and dumped it into hers. “By the way, why does it reek of eggs in here?” she asked with a dramatic sniff.
    “Because I had five scrambled eggs.” When Liza continued to stare at me, I continued. “Eggs have an amino acid that helps with the hangover headache.”
    “No shit,” Liza said thoughtfully. “Thanks for sparing me the sciencey parts of that.”
    “You’re welcome. Anyway,” I waved a hand at the kitchen, “that’s why it reeks of eggs.”
    I waited a beat, then two, then watched as Liza’s eyes widened and she leaned forward, placing her hand on my arm. “You were hungover?” she whisper-yelled.
    “Present tense.” After closing my eyes, I placed a hand to my head and rubbed my temple. “And yes.” I opened my eyes, leveled her with a look. “There’s more.”
    Liza sat up straighter, unable to contain her excitement. “I love more.”
    “I know you do,” I said with a laugh.
    “You little hussy,” Liza proclaimed, her voice accusing. “You did the dirty, didn’t you?”
    Was I that obvious? I pushed my glasses up my nose and avoided her eyes. “Maybe.”
    “Oh my God. You did! You couldn’t have told me in your text?”
    I’d sent her a very brief, Come over right now please , text an hour earlier. I still hadn’t wrapped my head over the night before and how I felt about it.
    “Okay, fine. Yes. I had sex.” I reached for the wine glass and took a sip against my better judgement and then wisely handed it back to her. “A one-night stand.”
    “Scarlet!” Liza pushed at me with her hand. “Two bucket list items in one night? What’s gotten into you?”
    Leo. Leo had gotten into me. “I

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