The Werewolf Whisperer

Free The Werewolf Whisperer by H. T. Night

Book: The Werewolf Whisperer by H. T. Night Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. T. Night
I hoped she likes what she saw.  She shut the door and I turned on the shower.  I stepped in and let the hot water just run down my body.  If felt so good as if the water pressure was massaging my skin.  Ever since I transformed, I had a heightened sense of touch.  I cleaned off all the key areas of my body with soap and I turned off the water and stepped out.  I dried off, and once again wrapped myself up in the towel.
    I stepped outside and went into my bedroom.  I put on a pair of sweats and a white t-shirt.  I put on my socks and running shoes.  When I walked into the living room, Lena was sitting on the couch watching T.V.              “I’ll be back in an hour.” I opened the front door.
    “No saving damsels in distress.”
    “Oh you will always be my first.”  I stepped out of my house onto my front porch.  This was when I used to see my old friend Daphne.  She was always there.  I miss that.  I missed Yari.
    I stretched on my porch.  Every joint in my body cracked as if I was setting off fireworks. I stepped onto the sidewalk and began my jog.  It felt great to run.  I could feel my body loosening up.  I headed down towards Cal State San Bernardino.  I passed the infamous frat house where this whole mess started.  There was no party tonight.  Not a single car parked outside the house.
    When I made it to San Bernardino Campus, I made my way to the track.  I looked at my watch and decided to time myself running the 440, which is one full lap around the track.  My best time in high school was 58 seconds.
    I started my way around the track.  I decided to pick up speed.  I began running as hard as I could.  Then, something strange started to happen to my body.  I was running at an accelerated speed.  It felt like I was running downhill.  I zipped around the track like I was going fast forward.  I looked down at my time, 33 seconds. Holy Shit!  That would be the world record if I were human.  I was floored by my time.  Not only could I fly, but I had super speed.  I just might be superman after all.
    I decided to run up to the stadium.  I ran up and down the stadium stairs.  As I ran down the steps, my body seemed to glide, as if it was trying to fly.  But I wasn’t allowing it to happen.  I ran up the steps again.  When I reached the top of the stadium, I looked down at the track.  I could see a woman down at the bottom on the field.  I recognized her.  It wasn’t just any woman; it was Yari.

Chapter Seven

    It took a few minutes for my heart to slow down. She was stunning as ever. I walked down the stairs toward her, watching her red hair blow in the wind. Not to mention her body was still in immaculate shape, which I couldn’t help but notice since she was wearing the cat woman body suit. 
    “So this is what it’s going to take to see you?” she said. “I have to stalk you?”
    “How are you, Yari?”
    “Do you hate me?”
    “Of course not,” I said.
    “Then why haven’t you seen me?”
    “I needed some space.  I needed time to think.”
    “Josiah, that night was intense for all of us.  For you to cut me off and refuse to speak to me was awful.”
    “I know.  I’m sorry.”
    She reached out her arms to hug me, but I pulled back.                “What’s wrong?” she asked.
    “Nothing, I’ve been in a hundred fights this past month. . . ” I stopped explaining when I saw her step closer to me.
    “Come here, I won’t hurt you.”
    I leaned in when I felt her arms wrap around me.  “How are you feeling?” she asked
    “I feel good.  I feel strong.”
    “That’s good.”  Yari was trying hard to connect with me and I wasn’t sure how to respond.  I cared about Lena and was not willing to jeopardize that any further by being physical with Yari.
    “It’s nice to see you,” I said honestly.
    “Well I was always a phone call away.”
    “I know.   I just needed to figure a couple things out.”
    “You said

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