The Duke's Bride
face. “But… goodness…I
just don’t know. What if it her treatments or herbs hurt the baby? Tell me
    Jane smiled. “I trust Mrs. Hobbs. I lost too many babies
with those London doctors. I know they were doing everything in their power to
help me, but it wasn’t enough. I had a feeling this was the right thing to do. I
sought out Captain Argyle, and he has allowed Mrs. Hobbs to help me.”
    Agatha’s lips twisted. “Hmmm. And no one is the wiser, I
presume? What about this new doctor? What does he think of all this…this, well,
good gracious, I don’t even know what to call it!”
    Jane set her chin. “He doesn’t know. And I am not going to
tell him.”
     “I see,” Agatha replied stiffly. “Then the captain is
your liaison for this Mrs. Hobbs. Am I correct?”
    Jane nodded. “He has been everything agreeable. It is my
secret to tell, not his.”
    “The captain is too kind for his own good,” Agatha snapped.
“And Roderick is not pleased that you have any relationship with the captain at
all. So if you think Roderick will let you to continue to see this Mrs. Hobbs,
you have another thing coming, my girl.”
     Jane fidgeted with her shawl. “I wanted to tell him
many times, but the man is so pigheaded, he won’t let me get in a word.”
    “Frankly, I believe you are holding back because you fear he
won’t allow you to continue seeing the woman,” Agatha replied in a cool voice.
“He is a duke and thinks himself quite important. Not that he doesn’t have any
good qualities, my dear. He does. But having that kind of power does go to
one’s head. And when Roderick makes a decision, it is almost impossible to turn
that man around.”
    Jane clasped her stomach protectively with both hands. “This
baby will live. And I will do anything in my power to see that it does. I
believe with all my heart that Mrs. Hobbs has helped me get this far.”
    She looked up, her eyes brimming with tears. “I won’t let
him interfere, Agatha. I won’t! I don’t care what anyone thinks of me. I am
going to have this baby, and I’m going to do it my way. This is a life we are
talking about. A little human life. No one is going to tell me what to do. Not
even Roderick.”
    “Oh?” Agatha replied, her eyes twinkling. “How do you plan
to hide your girth then?”
    Jane threw her hands in the air. “I intend to tell him.
Sometime. And if, well, if he disagrees on the matter, I simply shall stay with
you at Hemmingly Hall and plead with the captain to send Mrs. Hobbs to us. The
captain may even rent a place nearby if need be, because it seems Mrs. Hobbs
has become indispensable to many of his servants. In fact, I have spoken to the
captain about the very possibility already.”
    Agatha burst out laughing. “Goodness, I may be able to work
at some things, but you traveling to Hemmingly Hall with Captain Argyle
settling in a nearby home? That is something I believe Roderick will put a stop
    Jane scowled. “I don’t—”
    Jane choked on her words when the door swung open and
Roderick stood before her. Broad shoulders blocked the doorway, making her
heart skip. His black jacket, crisp white shirt and starched cravat made him
quite appealing.
    A range of emotions swept through her as his gray eyes clung
to hers.
    Within seconds, the scent of sandalwood soap and musky
cologne weaved her way, reminding her all to clearly how he had rejected her
love only hours ago.
    That split second of hope instantly died. Their rift seemed
bigger than both of them. And now, it involved a child. Their child.
    Agatha bristled, shifting a worried gaze between them. “La, Roderick,
you scared us half to death! I thought you were coming later?” The lady narrowed
her eyes and raised her parasol across the doorway to block him.
    A muscle ticked in Roderick’s jaw. “If I choose to enter,
madam, you would not be able to stop me.”
    Jane concealed her tumultuous emotions with a cool
    Agatha huffed.

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