A Love Surrendered
attest to that. Lately she and Collin seem joined at the hip.”
    A pretty blush colored Faith’s cheeks as she returned to her seat, green eyes twinkling. “What can I say? Collin’s always more affectionate when he’s hankering for a boy.”
    Charity’s lips crooked up. “Oh, honey, I can cure him ofthat. One week with Henry is all it would take.” She shook her head. “Fathering three girls has deluded the man’s mind.”
    Marcy chuckled. “Goodness, Charity, having daughters is no guarantee of easy, compliant children. You and Katie are certainly proof of that.”
    “Mother!” Katie stared, mouth parted in an incredulous smile.
    “Face it, Katie Rose, Mother’s right and you know it.” Charity exhaled loudly. “You and I were the terrors while the rest of them were all little angels.” A faint shiver traveled her body. “Only heaven knows the payback coming our way. Why, you and I could both have another Henry or worse yet . . .” Her blue eyes twinkled. “A bullhead like his father.”
    “Bite your tongue,” Katie said. “I already have Luke McGee, remember? Surely butting heads with that man is payback enough.”
    Steven shook his head, a tease edging his lips. “I don’t think so, Katie Rose. With all the grief you gave me growing up, and Mom and Pop too, I’d say your payback is just beginning.”
    “Ha!” Katie spiked a brow. “Don’t think you’ll get off scot-free, Agent O’Connor. I remember a few years of payback yourself before you put on that badge.” Her tone took a turn toward smug. “I’m guessing there could be a Henry or two in your future as well.”
    Refilling his glass, Steven plucked oatmeal cookies from the cookie jar, tossing a grin over his shoulder. “Not real likely, sis,” he said with a wink, “given it takes two to tango.”
    “Oh, that reminds me!” Charity sat straight up with a gleam of hope in her eyes. “Emma and I just hired a new salesgirl at the store that I think would be just perf—”
    “Oh no you don’t . . . ,” Steven said with a hand in the air, cheeks bulging with cookie. He swallowed hard and swiped crumbs from his lips. “Since Emma coerced Sean to give up the title, I’m the confirmed bachelor in this family, so save your matchmaking for somebody else.”
    “Coerced?” His sister-in-law looked up. A soft strand ofchestnut bangs swooped over her face, unable to hide the sparkle in her gray eyes. “I’m afraid there’s not much coercion when it comes to love, Steven O’Connor, as I suspect you’ll soon find out.”
    “Ignore him, Emma.” Charity rose and patted Steven’s cheek. “He’ll get his comeuppance just like Sean got his when he married you.”
    Emma’s smile tipped up. “One always appreciates the support of their best friend.”
    Charity blinked. “Oh, you know what I mean, silly, in a good way.” She turned back to pinch Steven’s cheek. “Steven needs to learn marriage is bliss when a man has someone to look after him like you do for Sean.” She dusted more crumbs off his shirt.
    Steven grinned, cookies in hand. “I have Mother for that, not to mention a bossy sister.”
    “Leave Faith out of this and give me that.” Charity snatched a cookie back with a lift of her chin. “One’s enough—you’ll spoil your dinner.”
    “Wanna bet?” Steven filched two more before making a beeline for the door.
    “Henry! Drop the mud pie or I’ll sic your mother on you.” A gruff male voice floated in from the backyard as Charity’s husband, Mitch, corrected their son, edging Steven’s smile into a grin. Pushing the screen door wide, he bit into his cookie with a nod at the backyard. “If I were you, I’d save my energy for more important things, sis.” He gave his sister a wink before heading out. “’Cause something tells me you’re gonna need it.”
    “Steven may be right, darling.” Marcy laughed, squeezing Charity’s shoulder on her way to make icing for the cake. “Best to

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