Falling to Pieces

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Book: Falling to Pieces by Jamie Canosa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Canosa


    Looking back, I should have known something was wrong the minute I walked into school the next morning and Doug wasn’t leaning against my locker. Or any of the times I came out of class and didn’t find him there, waiting for me to escort him to his next class. When lunch time rolled around and he was nowhere to be found, I thought maybe he’d stayed home sick that day. No such luck.
    “Jade!” Doug didn’t need to say another word for me to see just how angry he was. It was written in every line of his face, in the predatory gait he prowled towards me with. The instinct to retreat as far as possible left me pressed up against the lockers without much room to maneuver as he closed in. “Where the hell were you?”
    “I . . . um . . . I . . .” Need ed a brain repair, obviously.
    “I . . . um . . .” He mocked pouted at me, followed by a look of revulsion. “Car. Now.”
    Apparently this was not a conversation meant for public ears. I wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing, but I wasn’t about to push him any further. Tutorial session forgotten, I slammed my locker shut and followed him down the hallway.
    My heart pounded away inside my chest. Sweat broke out in my palms and the lump in my throat was making it difficult to breathe.
    “I need to use the bathroom.” It was a lame attempt at buying time, but it worked.
    With a huff, Doug paused outside the ladies room and glared at me as I slipped inside. Thankfully, it was empty. Leaning heavily against the sink, I stared at my wide eyed, pale faced reflection. Crap, I looked terrified. Doug would not appreciate that. Everything with him was about appearances.
    Splashing cold water on my face, I tried to take a few calming breaths. Pinching my cheeks did not bring about the same colorful result as it did in those old- fashioned movies. All it gave me were sore cheeks and a complexion that continued to resemble Snow White. Another deep breath, released slowly through barely parted lips. I ran my fingers through my hair and decided I’d effectively killed as much time as I dared to.
    The moment I reappeared in the hall, Doug turned and continued toward the exit without a word. Or without waiting to see if I’d follow. It was just assumed that I would. And I did. All the way into the parking lot, where he turned on me the moment the doors shut behind us.
    “Where the hell were you?” Spittle flew from his lips as he screamed almost directly in my face, loud enough to send me back a step.
    “I . . . I didn’t—”
    “Were you with him?”
    “ Parks! I heard you were with Parks. Is that what you were doing? Too busy screwing around on me to bother coming to school?”
    “No! I mean yes—” Doug’s eyes hardened and I rushed on. “I was with him, but I wasn’t screwing around. I swear. We’re just friends. I’d never—”
    “Bullshit . I can’t believe I bought your holier-than-thou, Miss Goody-freaking-two-shoes routine for so damn long. And then you turn around hand it over to someone else?”
    “I didn’t—”
    “Shut! Up! I’m sick of your shit, Jade.”
    I briefly considered making a run for it, but he was an athlete for chrissakes. How far did I really think I would get? Plus . . . he had a car. So, yeah, not far.
    Plan B had me scanning the lot for help, but maybe dallying in the bathroom wasn’t such a good idea, after all. We were alone.
    “Doug, please, I didn’t do anything with Kiernan. We’re just friends. I’d never screw around. You know that.”
    “I know that? You’re damn right I know that. Two friggin’ years, Jade. That’s how long I’ve been putting up with you. Allowed you to stick around for the ride. I’ve been more than patient with you, but if you’re giving it up that easy, then I think it’s past time I get my fair share.”
    “Doug, don’t—” I tried to get away, but before I could blink, he’d planted a hand against the brick wall on either side of my body,

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