One Real Man (Entangled Bliss) )
    Nate gazed at Paige. “We’re sorry to hear about you and Seth splitting up.”
    Uh-oh, here we go . To show him and everyone else her divorce hadn’t broken her down, Paige lifted her shoulders and said, “We all learn from our mistakes.”
    Oh, the mistakes she’d made to end up here serving champagne to strangers in her own home. She caught Owen’s intense gaze fixed on her, as if he could read her thoughts.
    Ally cleared her throat. “Well, you look nice tonight.”
    Paige kept her lips thinned, searching Ally’s words for a hint of sarcasm but not finding any. “I like to maintain my standards.”
    Ally gave a self-deprecating laugh. “Yeah, it’s nice of Owen to host Nate’s party. We’re putting this beautiful house to shame.” She gestured at the walls covered in timber paneling and silk fabric and the chandeliers above them.
    Owen snorted. “Course not. This is who we are, and we wanted a casual get-together, not some fancy affair where we’re too uncomfortable to enjoy ourselves.” He shot another pointed glance at Paige’s elegant attire.
    Already sensitized by the awkward situation, Paige felt the blood thumping in her head. Did Owen expect her to be so humiliated by her change in fortunes that she’d dissolve into a bundle of meekness? She might have made plenty of mistakes, but she hadn’t fallen that far.
    She unceremoniously plunked the tray on a nearby table and aimed a frosty glare at him. “This is your house now. You can be as casual as you like. But in my opinion, elegance is never out of place.” Without pausing, she flounced out of the room, wondering if she’d just erred yet again.
    Owen’s temples pounded as he watched Paige sweep out of the room like an indignant snow queen. It didn’t help that she looked gorgeous from behind, with her upswept hair revealing the long, smooth column of her neck. The urge to caress her silky nape crashed headlong into his desire to growl at her. How could she rile him and tempt him so much simultaneously?
    Behind him, Nate spoke up. “Mate, that was a bit rough, don’t you think?”
    Owen turned to Ally. “And you? Do you think the same?”
    Ally shrugged and lifted her hands placatingly. “It must be a difficult situation for her.”
    “I’m not responsible for that.”
    Cocking her head, Ally smiled gently. “Aren’t you?”
    His friends didn’t get it. Paige had purposely dressed up, to show him that even though she was now the servant and he the master, in reality their roles would never be reversed. As if to say, “Don’t get too full of yourself. Just because you’re the legal tenant in my house doesn’t mean you belong here.”
    Damn her and her superior ways. And damn how fine she looked in that black outfit. She had no business being snotty and sexy at the same time.
    Ally picked up two glasses of champagne and handed one to Nate. “Many happy returns, darling.”
    Owen tried to set aside his silent frustration as Ally and Nate exchanged loving kisses. Ally was such a sweetheart, Owen mused. He got why Nate was so crazy for her. In fact, Ally was just the type of girl Owen usually went for—sporty, down-to-earth, natural. No caked-on makeup or flashy clothing, no attitude. So why couldn’t he stop obsessing about the creamy deliciousness of Paige’s neck?
    Nate squeezed his wife around the waist. “I’ve got to hand it to you. I never suspected a thing.”
    “Well, I had to repay you for my surprise wedding!” She smiled happily at him.
    “I thought we were just picking up Owen and heading out for a quiet dinner at the Red Possum with a few people.”
    Sighing, Owen rubbed his aching temples. “We should have done that instead. Then I wouldn’t have to feel out of place here just because I’m not dressed to impress.”
    Ally shook her head at him. “Why rent this place if you don’t feel comfortable in it?”
    Owen studied his canvas sneakers, unable to answer Ally’s perfectly reasonable

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