From the Ashes (Force of Nature Book 1)

Free From the Ashes (Force of Nature Book 1) by Amber Lynn Natusch

Book: From the Ashes (Force of Nature Book 1) by Amber Lynn Natusch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Lynn Natusch
you telling me, Piper?”
    “Nothing. I promise. I just don't want any of the Magicals brought in on this.”
    Her expression softened slightly.
    “Then we need to start thinking outside of the box, or I'm afraid your status may never change for the better.”
    I quickly read between the lines.
    “Will it change for the worse?”
    She hesitated for a moment.
    “I don't know. But I won't let that happen without a fight.”
    Neither will I, I thought to myself. Neither will I. Suddenly I felt a strong sense of conviction. A fortified will to live. I was going to find a way to heal my injuries.
    And then I would find a way to pay back those who had inflicted them upon me.
    “Excellent,” I replied, a smile overtaking my countenance. “Let the cage match begin.”
    * * *
    In a harebrained attempt to help me, Kat offered to take me outside in a wheelchair that Jase had found for me. She thought the fresh air might do me some good—let my wounds breathe a bit. Understatement of the century.
    I learned a thing or two about myself and my magic that day. Something that I'd never fully put together until the moment she pushed me gently through the front door of the mansion and into the sun that awaited me, greeting me with its warmth on my face. All beings were creatures of the Universe, supernatural and human alike, but not all of us were connected to her equally. To me, the Earth, more specifically nature itself, was like a touchstone, a place to recharge—to heal. I felt the pull to her almost instantaneously. With some help from Kat, I was able to stand and inelegantly shuffle my way over to the lawn. I refused to let her carry me there. I needed to do this for myself as much as possible. I needed to know that I wasn't as weak as I'd long thought I was.
    The reason why the others shunned me.
    The second my foot touched the lush green grass, I collapsed to it.
    “Help!” I cried, reaching out for Kat before I landed face first on the lawn.
    What should have been a painful slam was more like a gentle caress—like the ground itself enveloped me. I could feel its energy coursing through my body, centering primarily on my wounds. Kat grabbed me to help me up, but I waved her off.
    “It's okay,” I mumbled, my face still smooshed into the front lawn. “It feels good. Just leave me here.”
    “Piper, I'm not—”
    “Can you take this stupid gown off first?”
    I watched her feet as she hesitated for a moment, ultimately stepping closer to do as I'd asked.
    “This can't be good for your burns, Piper. They're already infected. They're going to get dirt and God knows what else in them...”
    I could hear the irritated concern in her voice, but when she rolled me over to help me out of my clothes, she gasped in disbelief.
    “You're healing!”
    “Just get it off. Please.” She ripped it off in two pieces, exposing my wounds to the blazing sun above. “I'm going to be fine, Kat. Just leave me here.”
    “I'm going to go tell Doc.”
    “Great. Tell her I'll see her once the sun goes down.”
    Although I was still weak and my delivery wasn't up to par, Kat caught the humor in my words and laughed.
    “I think you can probably bet on that. You'll have a whole gaggle of vamps out here to join you in your naked lawn party.”
    “Sounds great. Tell Dean to bring me a margarita. With salt.”
    “Will do,” she said, walking away slowly to alert the good doctor, leaving me to lie naked in the yard of the mansion. Werewolves never seemed too concerned about nudity, so I didn't let it bother me. Instead, I placed my hands behind my head and shamelessly basked in the glorious, healing sun, letting whatever magic was to be found in it heal my burns.
    When I awoke hours later, the sun nearly gone from the sky, I pushed myself up onto my elbows to inspect the state of my wounds. My eyes went wide when they took in the sight.
    Then I screamed.

    “You have to get out of this house,

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