Wild Ride

Free Wild Ride by Rebecca Avery

Book: Wild Ride by Rebecca Avery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Avery
3… I’m about to completely give up on this stuff the accountant is wanting.”  Another pause and then, “Ok see you then.”
    After Lilly hung up she pointed her thumb at the phone “My friend Dana ,” she offered as an explanation.
    “I met her this morning… it’s how we ended up with Gretchen,” she smiled.
    “Oh yea?” Lilly asked with a grin of her own.
    “She doesn’t want Tommy to know but she ran out of gas at the grocery store ,” she explained.
    Lilly laughed . “Bless her heart, she’s good at just about everything except anything mechanical and dancing as you might have picked up.”
    “Dancing?” she asked.
    “Tommy’s birthday is coming up and he’s quite good at dancing and she wants to learn how as a private surprise .  I’m not from Florida originally so I don’t have any idea of where she could take dance lessons around here.  Do you have any suggestions?” Lilly laughed.
    “Well I took dance lessons as a child but the place where I went only instructs children.  I have some videos though that might help if you don’t have any luck finding a place ,” she offered.
    “Oh now that is a great idea.  Dana’s a little shy… so learning in a more private arena might actually be a better idea,” Lilly said. “Are you any good at dancing?”
    “Actually I was quite good… before the accident,” she said.
    “Sorry…” Lilly said with an exaggerated frown.
    “No, it’s ok.  I could probably help her out some.  I can’t actually show her myself but I was the captain of our dance squad in high school and in college,” she offered.
    “Oh yea?  I may call her back and see what she thinks.  It’s a secret so don’t say anything to mouth of the south out there ,” Lilly laughed.  “Chuck’s as bad as Gretchen at keeping secrets.”
    “I won’t , don’t worry,” she laughed as well.  Lilly was really nice and her laugh was contagious.
    “Have you all been dating long?” Lilly asked .
    “Dating?  You mean Chuck and me? Oh no…” she laughed. “He’s not… we’re not.  He’s helping my mom out as part of some community service… thing.” Maybe she shouldn’t have said that.
    “Oh!” Lilly said . “I’m sorry… I thought by the way he was looking at you… I’m just going to shut up now,” she finished with a laugh and then turned and walked around her desk.
    Had he been looking at her? She wanted to ask Lilly but didn’t want to open up that can of worms.  Lilly shuffled some papers around on her desk and kept peeking at her out of the corner of her eye.
    “I’m why he has community service ,” Lilly finally said setting the papers down and looking at her. “I…umm…I was married once before.  My husband passed away but he was involved in some illegal things and was investigated by the FBI.  One of the FBI agents was kind of in on the whole thing and he came after me… here… at the shop.  If Chuck hadn’t…” she looked away and then after a pause to collect herself, she looked back. “He saved my life.  He hit the guy in the back of the head with this gun and… what I’m trying to say is don’t think bad of him… it’s probably not what you think.”
    “No… I don’t think badly of Chuck at all,” she said.
    “That’s good… that’s good,” Lilly smiled.  “So you were in college?  What was your major?” Lilly said in an obvious attempt to change the subject.
    “Well actually I didn’t finish… the accident happened at the end of first semester, my senior year,” she said. “I didn’t… haven’t finished yet.  I was majoring in finance.”
    “Seriously?” Lilly asked with a stunned look on her face .
    “Yes ,” she said in confusion.
    “Oooo…” Lilly squealed getting out of her chair and coming around to where she sat and hugging her . “You’re my new best friend!”
    She could only laugh and smile at the woman.
    “Can you look at something for me?” Lilly asked.
    Lilly was

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