Nigella Christmas: Food, Family, Friends, Festivities

Free Nigella Christmas: Food, Family, Friends, Festivities by Nigella Lawson

Book: Nigella Christmas: Food, Family, Friends, Festivities by Nigella Lawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nigella Lawson
Tags: Cooking, Methods, Entertaining, Professional
part of the meal you’re planning, without a lot of time to fuss over it; the recipes that follow are what make this meal, and others like it, possible.
    This is not a million miles away from the chestnut soup in my first book, How to Eat, but the fact that I can’t leave it behind tells you not only how good it is, but how important familiarity, tradition and continuity are, especially at this time of year.
    I confess, I’d planned a celeriac and chestnut soup to go here: I’ve cooked it; I’ve loved it; I’d written the recipe. But as I sit writing, I find it’s my older, more basic soup that writes itself into the page. Taste it and you’ll see why: a meal in itself with a hunk of warm bread, or a make-ahead starter to bring some cold cuts to party-life, this soup manages to be comforting, elegant and simple all at the same time.
    Much as I love the golden intensity of chicken stock (and I’ll take mine from concentrate; it doesn’t always have to be homemade), I do think when you’re catering for groups of people it’s wise to make up meat-free soups with vegetable stock, so you can keep the vegetarians happy. Thus the bacon crumbles are, I suggest, better served apart, for those carnivores who might like to sprinkle them over their sweet, grainy soup.
    Enough to fill 10 soup bowls or 20 cups or small (200ml) mugs
    1 onion
    1 leek
    3 carrots
    2 sticks celery
    3 × 15ml tablespoons garlic oil
    500g red lentils
    3 litres vegetable stock (or chicken stock if preferred)
    500g vacuum-packed peeled chestnuts
    125ml amontillado sherry
    salt and pepper
    small bunch of parsley (optional)
    1 teaspoon garlic oil
    10 rashers American-style or other thin-cut streaky bacon
    • Either by hand, or using a processor, finely chop the onion, leek, carrots and celery.
    • Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan, and add the chopped vegetables, cooking for about 10 minutes on a medium to low heat, until softened a little.
    • Add the lentils, and turn them in the vegetable mush.
    • Add the stock and bring to the boil, then, with the heat down a little, let simmer for about 40 minutes or until the lentils are soft.
    • Add the chestnuts and liquidize the soup in batches, adding more water if it’s too thick. However, if you’re going to serve this at a later time, I wouldn’t bother to add water now, as the soup will inevitably thicken as it stands.
    • When you want to eat the soup, heat it in the pan along with the sherry, adding more liquid if needed, and season with salt and pepper to taste.
    • While the soup’s getting warm and ready, finely chop the parsley (you will need approx. 3 × 15ml tablespoonfuls), and heat the garlic oil in a large frying pan for the bacon.
    • Fry the bacon until it is crisp and scorched and remove to some kitchen paper. Crumble the bacon into a bowl or a couple of bowls and put them on the table.
    • As you serve the hot soup, sprinkle with parsley if wished.
    Make the soup and liquidize. Cool, cover and keep in the fridge for up to 3 days. Reheat with the sherry, adding more stock/broth if needed. Check the seasoning before serving. Fry the bacon, cool and crumble into a sealable bag. Keep in the fridge for up to 3 days.
    Make the soup as above and freeze in an airtight container for up to 2 months. Thaw overnight in the fridge and reheat as above.
    It may seem a bit fiddly to have a soup prepared in two parts: one in the oven; one in the pan. But I do this not only because I think it intensifies the flavour dramatically, but because it actually makes my life easier.
    The thing is this: when you roast a butternut squash, you can go ahead and liquidize it without ever having to peel it (I found this out

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