The Marijuana Chronicles

Free The Marijuana Chronicles by Jonathan Santlofer

Book: The Marijuana Chronicles by Jonathan Santlofer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jonathan Santlofer
driving round the Charles River, dropping cartons into murky water and watching them sink while the older guy fed us hash and thanked us over and over for helping him.
    Wasn’t it dangerous? The sophisticated woman with all the gold jewelry gave me a pointed look.
    No , I said, and took one last toke swearing I’d never smoke again. It only lasted a few minutes. Not enough time to be dangerous .

    DeLIRIuM & HaLLuCInaTIOn

A BRAHAM R ODRIGUEZ was born June 13, 1961 in the South Bronx. From an early age, he showed a big interest in writing, especially on his father’s large, clunky typewriters. His father bought him a portable when he was eleven, and from then on he began writing stories and novels. His books include The Boy without a Flag, Spidertown, The Buddha Book , and South by South Bronx . His work has appeared in numerous anthologies, including Bronx Noir and The Dark End of the Street .

moon dust
    by abraham rodriguez
Report to Commission C
Inclusions: video files, one (1) short story manuscript
Package of: tainted substance, referred to as “green,” “pot,”
“weed,” or, in this case, “Moon Dust”
Substance will be submitted to the Justice Ministry for examination. It has been weighed and is vigorously controlled. Any misuse will be prosecuted under penal code 717-3 SUPERIOR!!
    T he sun golden-yellowed over tenement tops.
    They were up on the roof, looking down on the apartment. It was a chilly morning, and they both had the collars of their raincoats turned up high.
    They were laughing. Bobbing back and forth. They were on a stakeout on a cold morning in the South Bronx. They were freezing their asses off. Their clothes were from the freaking 1890s. They couldn’t stop laughing.
    “I’m fa-fa-freezing.” Killy’s teeth chattered.
    “It’s not even officially fall,” Kelly said.
    Killy sniffed his own lapel. “Why do we always buy such cheap suits?”
    “Uh-uh. I’m not spending money on clothes I’ll need just for five minutes someplace. We’re doing a lot of time-jumps lately.”
    “But we’ll make ourselves cuh-cuh-conspicuous,” Killy said.
    “What?!” Kelly stood his six-foot tallness straight, giving Killy an up-and-down look. Black raincoat. Black derby. Killy looked Kelly up-and-down right back. Black raincoat. Black derby. “I think we look quite dapper,” Kelly said, lighting an Amnesian stick.
    “Hey! Didn’t you light an Amnesian stick before we left?”
    “I don’t remember,” Kelly said, and the giggles started for them again.
    Killy turned grim. He regarded the stick in his hand. “This is not from this time. We’re going to have to smoke it all right now.”
    “And eat the roach,” Kelly said.
    A quick couple of tokes for each of them.
    Killy went back to his Thermospecs, again sweeping the apartment from one end to the other. Kelly nudged him.
    “Hey,” he said, “what year is this again?”

This investigation began with a report that there was a “time disturbance” originating in the year 1973 in New York. The disturbance in this case being marijuana tainted with iridium, a substance yet to be discovered. Iridium is the classified substance used in the assembly and successful functioning of the time-sequencer device. We suspect a scientist well-known to this commission, Abraham Ziegler, found a way to somehow break down the active properties of the time portal. To synthesize its elements and somehow compress them into tiny bits. This fine, glittery dust is then sprinkled or sprayed onto marijuana buds .
The cumulative effect of smoking the iridium-laced marijuana is limited-experience time travel, “limited” by the amount ingested or smoked. We have as yet acquired no data on duration of the “trips” or what happens when the drug wears off, but we suspect the subject returns back to its own time. This may depend on the amount ingested or smoked

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