The Axeman of Storyville

Free The Axeman of Storyville by Heath Lowrance

Book: The Axeman of Storyville by Heath Lowrance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heath Lowrance
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used to waiting. He tapped his foot on the floor, tapped his fingers on his thigh, dreaded the coming encounter. He grew sleepy, then not sleepy. He thought about how fine some of Miss Tilly's whores looked. Then a sudden surge of terror would grip him as he remembered again why they were there.
    When they heard Miss Tilly in the hallway, Little Cat jumped to his feet and Miles stood up slowly, pulling the Colt. Miss Tilly was talking, loudly, saying, "I'm sure Celissa is going to be happy you asked for her. You are a big, strapping lad, aren't you?"
    There was an edge to her voice, and Miles hoped the killer didn't notice. He motioned for Cat to move behind the big pine bureau before positioning himself behind the door.
    The knob rattled and Miss Tilly said, "Go right on in, handsome."
    In the limited confines of Celissa's room, Jimmy Manta seemed even larger than he'd been at the VioMiles. About six-four, Miles put him, and somewhere around 270 pounds. He wore a coat too heavy for the weather and a battered slouch hat. He strode right into the middle of the room before noticing the bed was empty and stopped.
    Miles slammed the door shut with his boot and said, "Jimmy Manta. Put your hands up."

    Jimmy stared at the bed and smiled. Very slowly, he lifted his arms. Miles could see the outline of the axe under Jimmy's coat, nestled at his spine. It would be impossible for the killer to reach his weapon before catching a bullet in the gut.
    Cat came out from behind the bureau, brandishing Miles's sturdy cane. To his credit, Miles thought he gave the appearance of fearlessness. And appearance was half the game.
    Hands raised, Jimmy turned around to face Miles. "I didn't think you had it in you," he said. "I honestly thought you'd never be here."
    "Sit down on the bed, Jimmy."
    "Will you shoot me if I don't, Mr. Miles?"
    Jimmy nodded. "I believe you would, sir. I really do. But it doesn't matter. I can't be killed. I am a Dark Spirit, Mr. Miles."
    Miles said, "You're just a kid whose brain is rotting from syphilis."
    "That's wrong. Did Mr. Carletti tell you that lie? He doesn't really know me. I am immortal. I am the Axeman."
    Miles sighed. "No, Jimmy. You're a sick boy who killed a handful of defenseless girls. That doesn't make you the Axeman."
    Jimmy snarled, "Those whores felt the kiss of steel from my axe. They had it coming. And only I could destroy them. You don't know any more than Mr. Carletti."
    "You weren't even in New Orleans for almost half of the Axeman's murders. You'd lit out for New York by then, trying to find a daddy who'd abandoned you. But you were always fascinated by the Axeman, weren't you?"
    Jimmy started to lower his hands. "I am a demon from your worst nightmares! I—"
    "You're a killer, but you're not the same Axeman who terrorized this city before. You're a footnote. I don't know. Maybe you admired the real Axeman. Maybe you wished you had the freedom he had, or something. Or maybe it was just because he liked jazz music as much as you do."
    "Shut up!"
    "But you ain't him."
    "I am! I am Darkness!"
    "No. You slept with the wrong girl, got a dose, and went mad. You killed those poor girls because they looked like Celissa. You were rehearsing her murder."
    "To Hell with you!"
    Jimmy started to tear his coat off.
    Miles thumbed back the hammer on the Colt. "I will shoot you, Jimmy."
    Jimmy Manta threw the coat on the floor, started to reach for the axe tucked at the small of his back.
    "Last chance, Jimmy," Miles said.
    "You can't kill me!"
    The axe was in his hands and he whirled on Cat, roaring. Cat looked startled that he'd become the center of attention.
    Miles fired his gun, nailing Jimmy in the back.
    The killer staggered forward a step, his roar stunted to a grunt. Cat brought the cane down hard on Jimmy's head, which the killer barely seemed to notice.
    Still clutching the axe, Jimmy pivoted on stiffened legs, stunned eyes looking for Miles.
    "Put it down," Miles said.

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