Raber Wolf Pack Book Two

Free Raber Wolf Pack Book Two by Ryan Michele

Book: Raber Wolf Pack Book Two by Ryan Michele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryan Michele
a word in this situation. Mortification is more like it. Even though they talk openly about sex, I do not.
    Max growls loudly and I jump at the noise, his finger stroking again. Slowly, the men in the room turn away and I can feel the pressure release in my chest. Shit.
    “Oh, come on. You can’t possibly tell me that you want this…this human ,” an attractive blonde woman spouts bitterly. I glare at her. Who the fuck does she think she is? Well, she is a wolf who could kill me, but the human side. What the fuck?
    “Marissa.” This warning comes from Zara who is now holding Natalie. Immediately, I like Zara ten times more than I did before. She doesn’t even fully know me, but she’s defending me.
    “Oh, not again. Bringing home strays, really?” Marissa growls.
    My temper flares and my hand goes directly to my hip, even though I’m sitting. “Who in the hell do you think you are?”
    Marissa laughs, “You think you can take me, human?” She rises, pride dripping off of her as the word human comes out in a derogatory tone.
    “Against the rules to fight a human,” Zara snaps. “But I’ll take you up on the offer.” She tilts her head in challenge and the air in the room becomes electric, dangerous, and a bit scary. Shit. Are they going to fight right here? And while it is true I can’t beat down a wolf, my pride says otherwise.
    Marissa’s face falls, her jaw slack. “You want to fight me?” Her voice quivers in what I’m guessing is fear.
    “Sure. Been wanting to kick your ass for a while now. You know that whole Xavier-is-mine thing. Now, I bet you think Max is yours and want to stake your claim.” My entire body constricts. I want that bitch. I want to beat her ass. “Too bad. He’s taken. As every other male here is because you would have smelled them by now. So please stop with that shit. You need to get over it. Not. Gonna. Happen.”
    “But…you want to fight me?” Bitch is set on one thing and she’s not giving up.
    “Go, Marissa, before I rip out your throat and you don’t have to worry about finding a mate.” Zara is so damn calm, cool and collected. I want to be like her when I grow up. Marissa doesn’t say a word, but she moves at the speed of light and she’s gone.
    “Sorry about that,” Zara says to me.
    I shrug. “Thanks.” She winks and I fall into more like with her.
    “Babe, let’s go.” Max rises from the table and I follow.
    “I should help clean up,” I tell him, because it is the nice thing to do. Even if they feed an army and only had to make enough for one more. It’s still polite.
    “Nope.” Zara throws her napkin down and rises, Natalie still on her hip. “We’re on dish duty.” She turns to me. “See, when I got here about a month ago, I tried to make it so these guys liked me.” She waves her hand flippantly. “Anyway, I told them I would take kitchen duty and found out I liked it so, I’m hanging on to it for a bit. And this little one.” She pushes into Natalie’s tummy and she giggles. “Loves to help me.”
    I’m envious of the joy on their faces. I may never get that. Ever. In the next few days, I’ll find out if it’s part of my future.

    BACK IN THE BEDROOM where I woke up earlier, the doctor is long gone, along with his big equipment. “Where did he go?” I ask, searching around like an idiot, as if he’s hiding in a damn closet.
    “Xavier had him moved to his own quarters.” All right. That’s good.
    “Where are your quarters?” I ask hesitantly, but I already know the answer. I feel it somewhere deep. I just need the confirmation.
    “Right here with you, babe.” He steps closer to me and I breathe him in. I don’t know what scent he smells with his super-sniffing abilities, but the one I smell is all outdoorsy and hot, sexy man. My tongue darts out to my lips to try to cover the dryness.
    Something hits me, like a foot to the gut. It doesn’t hurt, but it’s a powerful surge. What I felt earlier at the

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