Claimed: The Warriors of Nur

Free Claimed: The Warriors of Nur by C.C. Coats

Book: Claimed: The Warriors of Nur by C.C. Coats Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.C. Coats
eyes, silently willing her to return to him. 
    Again, cool hands caressed his body, exploring him with equal parts aggression and gentleness.  They tickled lightly up his calves and thighs- -tracing over his chest and tensed stomach-- to cup him firmly.  Oiled hands stroked deeply from the base of him to the heavily veined mushroom head, already coated with the weeping evidence of his need. 
    Roughly, he thrust into the hand fisted tightly around him, while more hands pinched lightly at his inner thighs, the combined pain-pleasure causing his body to bow deeper into the tormenting caress.  He barreled--on increasing waves of heat-- towards the cresting storm of his climax, as he awaited the pinch--the stroking twist-- that would send him over.  His body tensed into a knot of strained nerves when he exploded, shooting jets of hot, thick seed onto his sweat drenched body. 
    Vaguely he noticed the tormenting caresses cease as a warm cloth returned to cleanse him.  Bonelessly, he drifted into the floating sweetness. 
    “ Mati… ”  He growled, before sliding into the healing arms of sleep.
    Neron watched silently from the ledge above the healing chamber.  Four priestesses swayed in rhythmic undulations around the large irħam stone altar centered within.  The chamber was set deep inside the Tobba dwelling, some three miles beneath the Inġenji Mountains . 
    It had taken half a day’s time to journey to the region where the Tobba made their home,; and upon arriving, only Neron was allowed inside their sanctuary.  Atif balked at having to remain behind at the entrance while Neron continued on, but as Erol worsened, he’d had no choice but to stay. 
    Brought before the Mexxeja Tobba , Neron had requested blessings and healing for his brother, but she denied him. 
    ‘“ I know of your brother’s refusal to humble himself to us ’,” she’d said. 
    She had felt that his brother’s arrogance was now being rewarded. 
    Unwilling to release his brother, he’d begged on his knees, and when those pleas too were denied, he’d bartered.
    Keeping his attention on the room, he watched the hasty retreat of the lovely young Tobba that had bathed this brother.  The absence of ritualistic markings, showed her to be a novice.  Not yet fully initiated. 
    He could see little of her disappearing figure through the thick haze of burning Oppju and Kava Kava Root .  The burned herbs induced a state of high sexual stimulation, and were often used in healing rituals. 
    The Gwerriera Nies were highly sensual, and a strong sexual release trigged the body’s healing during times of intense illness.
    His attention returned to the altar, where his brother strained and moaned beneath the seeking hands of the remaining Tobba . 
    Erol would be beyond angry when he realized the lengths that Neron had gone to in order to heal him. 
    Bringing him to the Tobba was bad enough, but for him to stand aside and allow them to release his seed unwillingly…he wasn’t sure if he’d be forgiven for that. 
    The chamber slowly emptied of the attending priestesses as Erol was bathed and covered with a soft, fur blanket.  He rested quietly now, the harsh tension caused by his illness, relaxed away in slumber. 
    Oppju continued to burn in clay pots set incrementally throughout the large space.  The chamber was cavernous in its dimensions, with a ceiling set some twenty feet above. 
    No pjanti grew here for illumination; instead, there were torches set into openings high on the walls.  The altar was centered within the circular dropped floor that fell twelve feet below where he watched. 
    The Tobba hadn’t offered him a place to rest while his brother healed, which was fine with him.  Neron wouldn’t leave Erol unattended in his vulnerable state and preferred to remain nearby. 
    When only the two of them remained, he stepped from the ledge to drop to the floor below.  Landing soundlessly, he moved to the darkened corner beside

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