The Golden Symbol
second before shaking in return. Jacob hid a smile. He’d forgotten that on Eklaron, a handshake wasn’t as common as in America.
    “Normally they would wheel him out to the car,” Mom said, glancing through the blinds out into the hall, “but they’ve been really, really understaffed this week.” She smiled at Jacob, ignoring the wheelchair the staff had provided. “Better for us, since there isn’t a car, huh?”
    Jacob grinned, then opened a link to Trunt’s house in Taga Village. Trunt had volunteered a room for Myler to use until he was well enough to be on his own again, and Jacob was sure Trunt would take good care of him.
    Jacob and Mom helped Myler into bed, Mom tucking the blankets all around the man. After making sure Trunt would let Mom know if anything happened or if Myler needed her for any reason, she and Jacob Keyed home.
    They’d only been home a couple of minutes when a Minya approached Jacob.
    “Azuriah says to be ready to leave for Renforth’s world in an hour.”
    The Minya floated away, and Mom put her hand on Jacob’s arm. “Your father wants you to talk to Eachan about Lasia. See if you can find out where she ended up. Would you do that before you go with Azuriah? The conversation shouldn’t take too much time.”
    Jacob agreed. He also needed to check up on Akeno before leaving and decided to do that first, since Akeno had already been with Onyev for several hours that day. Actually, Akeno had been with Onyev a lot lately.
    It took him a while to find the two. In fact, Jacob wandered Onyev’s palace for at least twenty minutes before remembering he could Time-See.
    Even Time-Seeing, it still took him ten minutes to figure out that they weren’t even in Gratitude City. No wonder they didn’t light up! He found them way out in a village of sorts—somewhere that had recently been almost demolished. Probably by the Lorkon of Onyev’s time, though maybe even by Akeno during his practice. Jacob half-smiled, thinking about that. What sorts of things would Akeno be learning?
    He Keyed himself to the village, taking care not to use a door within sight. He didn’t want to startle the Makalos, just in case. He approached cautiously.
    “Yes, caution is wise right now,” Onyev said, noticing him. “The next few lessons will be held here. I don’t want to risk the safety of the Makalos in Gratitude City by having Akeno learn his battle powers there.”
    “Makes sense,” Jacob said. “Do you want to keep going, or is Akeno ready for a break?”
    Onyev looked at Akeno. “It’s up to you.”
    Akeno frowned, folding one arm across his chest and tapping his cheek. “I think I’d—”
    “Whoa! Akeno!”
    Akeno dropped his arms. “W—what?”
    “You’re blue! And I mean really blue. Like Onyev. It’s so cool! And weird!”
    Akeno’s cheeks darkened and Onyev smiled. “It’s been happening gradually over the past few months. Of course, battle magic requires more concentration, and this causes the blue to become much more noticeable in a shorter amount of time.”
    Jacob couldn’t stop staring at his Makalo friend. It was a good thing Matt wasn’t around. The guy would probably tease Jacob about having a new crush. But seriously—this was awesome!
    “I think I’d like to go home and practice for a while. Without anyone watching. Um . . . including you, Onyev.” Akeno turned to the patriarch. “I mean . . . is that all right?”
    “It’s completely fine. But don’t get too comfortable that way. There are many distractions in war.”
    Akeno nodded and motioned to Jacob. “Let’s go, then.”
    Jacob took them back to the present, where they ended up near Trunt’s cabin. He turned toward the door so he could Key to Eachan’s place, but Akeno stopped him.
    “I’m not going to need a lot of time. Would you mind taking me back to Onyev before you leave for Renforth’s world? That’s happening today, right?”
    “Yeah, but we’re leaving in thirty minutes. Will that be

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