Resisting Pressure (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 5)

Free Resisting Pressure (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 5) by Rhonda Lee Carver

Book: Resisting Pressure (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 5) by Rhonda Lee Carver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Lee Carver
left. It was about time. “Thank you. I’ll grab my purse.”
    “I’ll let her know you’re on your way, Miss.”
    Once she closed the door, she hurried and grabbed her purse, her gaze naturally falling to the crumpled sheets where she’d had one of the most memorable nights of her life. She had to move forward. She gave herself a mental shake. It wasn’t that she had anything with Keefer outside of what they’d shared last night. Trying to dissect this into something more wasn’t good for her, or for him, and could only land in disaster. At least she was leaving with great memories.
    Leaving the room, she closed the door securely behind her and walked to the bar. It was completely unlike last night when patrons filled every inch. Crystal sat at the bar, sipping on a glass of water. When she saw Violet enter, her sister slid off the stool and walked over, her long dark hair swinging from side to side and one corner of her mouth dropping into a disapproving frown. Violet had a bad feeling that she was about to receive a lecture. Probably because Violet had pulled her away from work on the ranch to bring her all of the way out here into the boonies.
    Crystal dragged her in for a quick hug and Violet could see the concern in her dark eyes. “I freaked out this morning when I heard your message. I didn’t get in until late and I was exhausted and fell into bed, missing your call. Why didn’t you call me from your phone?”
    Violet hated to admit that she didn’t charge her phone before she left the house. “It was dead.” She chuckled, trying to make light of it, but when Crystal crossed her arms, Violet knew there was no making this easier.
    “How many times have I told you to make sure you have a fully charged battery?” The accusation in her voice drove through Violet.
    “Can you wait to lecture me once we’re out of here? I’d like to get home so that I can make my afternoon shift at the hospital.”
    A second marched by until Crystal finally grabbed her purse from the bar, laid down a few bills and tucked her arm inside of Violet’s, leading her through the doors and into the parking lot. “I have a feeling you weren’t alone last night.”
    “Of course. I told you on the phone I was with a friend and we ran out of gas.” Violet slid into the passenger seat of her sister’s new, decked out Dodge Truck.
    Once Crystal was behind the wheel, a knowing smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “Oh…that was all? No overnight guests?” A thin brow popped up.
    “And a liar apparently.” She hit the start button on the dash and the engine purred alive. “I’d bet my truck that you had a party, and I’m not talking hats and whistles.”
    “That’s a risky bet. How could you prove differently?” Violet clicked her seatbelt and fixed the vents so that the cool air was on her face.
    Crystal reached across Violet and pulled down the visor. “Might want to cover that up before you head into work.” Her smile was as smooth as warm milk.
    “What are you talking about?” Violet examined her reflection. Sure, she had smeary ink lines under her eyes from the lack of sleep and her hair needed a good brushing but other that… “Oh shit!” There, close to her collarbone was a hickey. She rubbed it but it wasn’t going anywhere. “Oh my. I haven’t had one of these since—”
    “High school?” Crystal teased. Violet didn’t look at her. “Okay, ‘Fess up. Who was he?”
    She knew her sister wouldn’t let it drop until she managed a few tidbits. “Keefer Lane.”
    Crystal gave her a side glance. “The rodeo star? The one who bid for you at the charity auction?”
    “Yes. One and the same.”
    “You did say he was sexy and a charmer.”
    “That I did.”
    “Last night wasn’t so great?” Crystal turned off the radio.
    “No, it wasn’t great. It was amazing.” Violet folded her arms over her waist, remembering how good Keefer’s arms had felt around her.
    “And that’s the

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