Down to Ash (#Dirtysexygeeks Book 2)

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Book: Down to Ash (#Dirtysexygeeks Book 2) by Melissa Blue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Blue
The end product was something irrevocable.
    Good sex should not be this complicated.
    But it was. Time for damage control. She curled her lips to tamp down her need to respond and sat by as he worked.
    “You have World of Warcraft on your work computer?” he asked.
    She blinked, surprised he was talking to her and not at her. “I have hour-long lunches. Sometimes, they get boring. And what do you know about WoW? You only play crap like Warfare and Saint's Row .”
    There was the slightest twitch at the corner of his mouth.
    Her breath hitched. Had that been a smile? A real one? It was gone again before she could be sure.
    “Neither your boss nor your IT tech have ever told you not to have WoW on your computer?” he asked.
    “You forget, I'm a rebel without a cause.”
    Vic laughed. “I forget.” After a moment of quiet, he asked, “Can you imagine Oliver learning about keybindings?”
    She exhaled, still a little dizzy at his laugh-smile.
    “Oh.” Right. He'd asked her a question before he tried to kill her with a sexy smile. “Not even Oliver, with his infinite patience, would have the tenacity. He'd throw his laptop.” She pursed her lips, realizing he hadn't answered her question. Apparently whether or not he played WoW was a need-to-know fact, and she didn't need to know.
    “I know WoW, but I tend to play the game alone,” Victor said.
    Quelle surprise, he’s a lone wolf in his downtime . Warmth spread through her stomach because he'd answered. Maybe that was something stupid to get tingly over, but Ash could ask him if the sky was blue and, more often than not, all she'd get back was a hard stare. And sometimes he'd laugh, then tell her purple, and they'd playfully argue. She loved those days.
    He was open at the moment. She was going to take advantage and do what she did best—egg him on.
    “I'm not giving you my password,” she said. “All the major gaming sites advise against it. You could steal my game time for all I know.”
    He snorted. “I'm going to have to delete it from your computer.”
    She should have known he'd suggest that. “Fine. What else?”
    “I'm just diagnosing at this point, but I will install monitoring software on everyone's computers. I’ll set it up to run automatically at the end of the day. You, along with the rest of your co-workers, have a lot of crap you don't need. If I see another Yahoo Messenger program, I'm going to start throwing computers out the window. Given your business, you people should know better.”
    He was still talking to her. She should have been on her guard, but the short exchange was...nice.
    “One,” she said, “you've met my friend Iris. Two, I bet you still click on shady sites even though you know better.”
    “Yup, and yup.” He pulled a USB drive from his pocket and handed it to her. “Initial this and I can finish.”
    She grabbed a pen from her desk and wrote on the small label he'd slapped on. Their fingers brushed and he, as always, showed no sign he'd felt a spark at the brief touch. Her entire hand tingled from the short skin-to-skin contact.
    That could also be why she always poked at him. On good days their gazes would clash and she'd know in her bones she wasn't alone. He was drowning in the same lust, the same denied desire. Most times Ash had just needed to know she wasn't crazy. They were stuck in the same screwed up cycle of not crossing a line that could hurt Porter and not caring, just needing.
    They were back in that shitty cycle. It was okay. She would follow his lead. To the ends of the fucking earth.
    He turned, and then bent to inspect something beneath her desk. She would have been much better off if he didn't have such a great ass. But, she remained committed to doing damage control.
    “How long is this whole process going to take?” she asked.
    “There are twenty or so people in the company, so I'd estimate a week just to get everyone on the same page. When Marie gets

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