Lay It Down: Bastards MC Series Boxed Set

Free Lay It Down: Bastards MC Series Boxed Set by Carina Adams

Book: Lay It Down: Bastards MC Series Boxed Set by Carina Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carina Adams
one…” I turned, facing him again, and unbuttoned my jeans. I pulled them open slightly so he could see all of the black ink on my hip. “Says, ‘Of all the names I have been called throughout my life, my favorite will always be Mommy!’ It's so I can remember that every one of those scars brought me the best gifts ever."
    He smiled as I reached down, grabbing for the towel.
    “Are you going in for a closer look, Jo?” His voice was husky and strained, but I could hear the humor.
    I picked the towel up and turned toward the bed. I needed dry, warm clothes. And to get away from him.
    He sighed. “It says ‘Suck My.’ That's it. ”
    I laughed as I grabbed one of my T-shirts out of the drawer and put it on. I pulled off the rest of my clothes and slipped on a pair of pajama bottoms.
    “I love it! How old were you when you got it?” All dressed, I looked up at him. He was standing in the same spot, shivering. I forgot the tattoo. “Get over here, and get under the covers.”
    He raised an eyebrow and didn’t move.
    “For God’s sake, I’m not going to molest you.” Not unless you beg me to . “But unless you plan on putting on wet clothes and riding home in the storm, you’re going to have to stay here.” I motioned to the bed. “I’ll sleep on top if you want. I at least have warm clothes.”
    He looked at the door and back at me. “Isn’t there a laundry room here?”
    “Yep. It closed at nine. And then you’d still have to ride home in the rain. Call Taylor and tell her you got stuck in the storm.”
    He looked at me once more, walked to the bed, pulled back the covers, and got in. I smiled and crawled in behind him. He didn’t fight me as I snuggled up next to him, laying my head on his shoulder and putting my arm over his stomach. He stopped shaking after only a few minutes, but I was too tired to move. I felt him shift, moving my head to the pillow and my arm from his belly to his side, but I didn’t open my eyes.
    His hand touched my cheek, then he pulled me against him, running his hand in circles on my back. I fought to open my eyes, but they wouldn’t budge. I felt his lips against my forehead and smiled.
    “I thought you were going to be on top?”
    I heard his chuckle but fell asleep before he could tell me what was so funny.

    I slept great, better than I had in months. I could feel the sun coming through the window and dancing on my skin. I always slept in late on Saturday morning, but usually my alarm woke me. Trying to remember if I’d plugged in my phone, I put my hands above my head and stretched, arching my back. The move pushed my body into someone else, and I jumped. I opened my eyes to see Matty staring back at me, entirely too close.
    “Well, this is awkward,” I said as I put my hand over my mouth so he couldn’t smell my breath.
    “You snore.” He grinned. “Not like a sweet, sexy snore either. I’m talking Hoover vacuum snore. I woke up and thought the maid was in here cleaning before I realized it was just you.”
    I fought the giggle that tried to escape, coughing instead.
    “Good morning, sleepyhead.” He moved his hand to my cheek, brushing back a strand of flyaway hair. “Did you sleep well?”
    I nodded. “Good morning.” I smiled, stretching again, this time into him on purpose. “How 'bout you?”
    “You mean other than the snoring and the furnace who insisted she wrap herself around me half the night? Yeah, I slept great.” He sat up, stretching. “What are your plans today?”
    I flopped onto my back. “Well, I had a dinner date, but I’ve decided to cancel that. So I’m going to go to the gym and then maybe the movies. You?”
    Matty laid back down next to me, head on my pillow. “How you holding up after last night?”
    I shrugged. I didn’t want to talk about it. Hell, I didn't even want to think about it. The two of them dancing that way… I sighed, closing my eyes. Knowing your husband

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