A Billion Reasons Why

Free A Billion Reasons Why by Kristin Billerbeck

Book: A Billion Reasons Why by Kristin Billerbeck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristin Billerbeck
Tags: Ebook, book
there’s no reason to dwell on us any longer. We will be left in the dark annals of history, where we as a couple belong.”
    “Why this guy, Katie?”
    “Dexter’s a good man. Solid, committed, and he wants the same things I do. Marriage and a family. He grew up without a father, so he’s anxious to overcome that part of his past and be the best father he can.”
    Luc’s stomach recoiled at the thought of someone else fathering Katie’s children. His voice blustered harshly. “Solid? Committed? Are you looking for a dog or a husband?”
    “I can’t have babies with a dog.”
    Another physical blow to his gut. “How did you meet him?”
    “I met him at church. In the singles group.”
    “Not where . . . how? Did he introduce himself? Did he ask the pastor about you? How did you come to know him?”
    She shrugged. “Proximity, I guess. He was there. I was there. We organized so many singles events together, I think the group knew we were a couple before we did.”
    Luc reached for her hand and compressed her fingers in his grasp. “Katie, about this trip—”
    Linda stepped out from the back room. “Sorry to disturb you, but we’re ready to take off. I need to pull the door shut.”
    Katie snatched her hand away and clicked her seat belt.
    She leaned into her slouchy bag and pulled out a book, which she cracked open, then snapped shut. “I want to watch us take off first. I’ll be able to tell my grandchildren about being on the mighty Luc DeForges’ private plane.”
    “Can I get you something to drink now?” Linda asked her.
    “Just a water, if you have it.”
    “Perrier? SmartWater or flavored mineral?”
    “Just water, please.”
    Linda trotted off to the kitchen, and Katie dropped the book into her lap. She opened her mouth but stopped herself. She tried again with the same result.
    “I’m still the same man, Katie. The one you see. Not the image. Don’t let other people tell you the truth; decide it for yourself.”
    “The man I knew wouldn’t ask me to do this. He wouldn’t ask me to show up at a family wedding in front of all the people I lived out my worst nightmare in front of. He wouldn’t humiliate me that way.”
    “Katie, I’m taking you home to make things right. I’d never do anything to cause you harm. Even then I had my reasons . . .”
    A scowl crossed her face, but anger gave way to pain as a tear slid down her cheek onto her cherry red Joan Crawford lips. He nearly crushed the velvet box in his pocket.
    “Katie, they don’t think badly of you for that night. They know I’m to blame.”
    “I’m not that girl anymore. I know differently now. I’m strong enough to stand up in front of all of them, to sing my heart out and dance to as much Glenn Miller as I can stomach. They didn’t define me. They only made me a stronger version of myself.”
    He squeezed her hand again. “Stop battling me, Katie. Trust me. Just a little.”
    Linda emerged from the kitchen, a SmartWater in one hand and a glass in the other. “Can I get you anything to eat before we take off? Crackers? Brie? Sliced apples? I’ll be serving lunch at eleven thirty unless you request it earlier.”
    Katie lifted her water, unscrewed the cap, and took a long swig. “No glass. I’m Irish. We like it out of the bottle.”
    Luc laughed, and Linda stood stick-straight. “That’s all, Linda.”
    Katie stared at him. Her mesmerizing green eyes captivated him beyond reason, as though they had a direct line to scramble his brain. Those eyes spoke volumes, more than most women translated in fifteen minutes of speech. She blinked slowly, her lips slightly parted, and he wondered if he was ready for whatever she had to say.
    The best defense is a good offense .
    “You’re wrong about my family,” he said. “My mother cared deeply for you.”
    “She loved me as long as I knew my place, and I do. I hope you’ve told her I’m engaged elsewhere, so your family knows my sights are no longer set on the

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