The Clintons' War on Women

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Book: The Clintons' War on Women by Roger Stone, Robert Morrow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roger Stone, Robert Morrow
met Jeffrey Epstein: “Let me tell you how I met him. I was introduced to him by Lady de Rothschild as an academic colleague. He was friendly with Larry Summers…. He was in the process of contributing $50 million to Harvard for evolutionary biology.” Epstein’s first donation to Harvard was in 2003. 147
    However, flight logs prove that Dershowitz flew on Epstein’s plane, which often was an orgy plane, as early as December 1997 and also in October 1998 and in 1999.
    Dershowitz, who is being sued for defamation by Roberts and by the lawyers for the sex victims of Epstein, has made statements on national TV proclaiming that Roberts has said that she had sex with Bill Clinton and that Virginia Roberts has said that she met the Queen. Roberts, however, has repeatedly and specifically said that she has never had sex with Bill Clinton. However she also said that Epstein said Bill “owes him favors” and that Bill had to have known about the pedophilia because there were so many pictures of naked underage girls on the walls and tables of Epstein’s residences.
    In the words of Roberts in paragraph 53 of her 2015 court filing: “I have seen reports saying or implying that I had sex with former president Bill Clinton on Little Saint James Island. Former president Bill Clinton was present on the island at a time when I was also present on the island, but I have never had sexual relations with Clinton, nor have I ever claimed to have had such relations. I have never seen him have sexual relations with anyone.” 148
    The Epstein Non-Prosecution Agreement says that “the United States also agrees that it will not institute any criminal charges against any potential co-conspirators of Epstein, including but not limited to Sarah Kellen, Adriana Ross, Lesley Groff, and Nadia Marcinkova.” These were all women who allegedly recruited underage girls for Epstein to have sex with. A victim herself, Nadia is thought to have often had sex with Epstein and other teenage girl sex victims. Epstein’s code for sex was “massage” and Sarah Kellenin particular was thought to be one of Jeffrey Epstein’s most prolific enablers of pedophilia. 149
    Nick Bryant on Kellen: “Kellen in particular was believed by detectives in the Palm Beach Police Department, which was the first to start unraveling the operation, to be so deeply involved in the enterprise that they prepared a warrant for her arrest as an accessory to molestation and sex with minors.” 150
    Dershowitz, the very lawyer negotiating this egregious plea bargain, was among those “conspiring” to be pandered underaged girls by his social friend and client Epstein according to Roberts. This Non-Prosecution Agreement was done in secrecy, without informing the known thirty-plus underaged sex victims of Jeffrey Epstein, and this shameful “Get Out of Jail Free” card was then sealed by the federal prosecutors in the Epstein case because they knew there would be sharp public outrage if the terms were made public. A lawsuit by a Palm Beach newspaper finally forced a federal judge to let the public see what had gone on behind the backs of the victims.
    Usually in a plea bargain, a perpetrator gets a lighter sentence in exchange for information or testimony that will lead to the prosecution of other co-conspirators. Epstein’s Non-Prosecution Agreement stinks to high heaven and appears to be tailored to let Epstein’s pedophile enablers (the recruiters of the girls, especially Maxwell and Kellen) off scot-free. Unsurprisingly, these women have not gone public with details about Epstein’s pedophilia or what they know about the activities of his VIP pedophile cohorts. Call it a “conspiracy of silence.”
    As of 2015, the families of thirty-three sexual molestation victims have settled lawsuits with Epstein. Some of these settlements were in the millions, ensuring that these girls, now women, wouldn’t testify as to the sexual brutality of Epstein and his wingman Jean Luc

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