Werewolf Academy Book 4: Taken

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Book: Werewolf Academy Book 4: Taken by Cheree Alsop Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheree Alsop
them did, too. It was refreshing. I didn’t even have to worry about letting werewolf stuff slip, because they already knew. And they weren’t afraid of me.”
    “Not at all?” Meredith asked.
    Alex shook his head. “We talked a lot about what it was like being a werewolf, and about their lives. Cherish is planning to be a doctor and her mother is very supportive.”
    “Is it just the two of them?”
    “Yeah,” Alex said. “I don’t know about her dad. I didn’t think it was a good idea to ask.”
    “Good call,” Meredith replied. “She’ll probably tell you if she wants to.”
    Alex stared at her. “So you don’t mind if I go over there?”
    Meredith shook her head. “I did. I was so worried.” She let out a small sigh. “Sometimes it’s hard to remember that we need the humans if you guys are ever going to have the chance to live a normal life. Maybe Jaze is right. Perhaps your connection with these students can help things in the long run. I just have to be patient.”
    “Me, too,” Alex admitted. Meredith watched him quietly, waiting for him to decide whether he wanted to explain. They had reached the side of the Academy and he could see Trent surveying the motorcycle. Alex wasn’t ready to go over there yet. He wandered to Jet’s statue and set a hand on the silver seven emblazoned on the wolf’s shoulder.
    “The humans have problems too,” Alex said softly. He glanced over his shoulder at Meredith. “Their city is a mess. There’s a place called the Saa where gangs and thugs live who pretty much run the city after sundown. Cherish’s friends don’t even dare go outside at night, and for a good reason.” He thought of the thugs with knives. “It’s like two packs trying to live in one territory, only one is living in peace, and the other is determined to tear everything apart.”
    “You worry about them,” Meredith surmised.
    Alex turned around to face her. “I do, a lot. They shouldn’t have to live in fear.”
    Meredith’s gaze moved from Alex’s face to the Academy. “That’s why Jaze built this place, so you wouldn’t have to live in fear, either.”
    Alex’s brow furrowed. “Maybe we have a lot more in common with the humans than we think.”
    “Maybe,” Meredith conceded softly.
    “There’s a leak from the gas line,” Trent called from beside the motorcycle. “You’re lucky you didn’t blow yourself up. I’m going to have to check the engine casings, cables, and forks. I wouldn’t be surprised if you bent the steering stem bearing. Your shifting lever’s also messed up. How did you get home?”
    Alex and Meredith exchanged a glance.
    “Good luck,” Meredith whispered.
    “Thanks” Alex said. “I’m going to need it.”
    “I’ll catch you inside,” his mother said.
    Alex jogged across the grass to Trent. The scrawny werewolf looked at his bloodstained chest and merely shook his head. “You should get cleaned up.”
    “I could drive it inside,” Alex offered.
    Trent put up a hand. “No need,” he said. “We don’t want to start it up again until I’ve had a chance to take it apart. There are a few upgrades I’ve been wanting to make to the engine anyway.”
    “You have to take it apart?” The thought of the beautiful motorcycle lying in pieces made Alex cringe.
    Trent nodded, rubbing his hands together as if he relished the thought. “It’s the only way to ensure you haven’t damaged more of the engine that I can see here. Give me a week.”
    “Fine,” Alex finally let in. “How about putting a deer guard on the front of it when you’re done.”
    Trent laughed. “That would look amazing. Like a train. You could catch more deer for Rafe’s pack.”
    “On second thought, let’s not do that.”
    Trent chuckled as Alex pushed the bike toward the Academy.
    Exhausted but happy at the day’s events, Alex stepped into what he thought would be the sleeping Pack Jericho’s quarters. He froze when a set of icy blue eyes locked on

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