Werewolf Academy Book 4: Taken

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Book: Werewolf Academy Book 4: Taken by Cheree Alsop Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheree Alsop
    “What on earth happened?” Kalia demanded. She rose from the couch, her gaze on his chest.
    “Nothing,” Alex said. “This is deer blood.”
    “We need to get you cleaned up,” she said hurrying over to him. “What if some of this blood is really yours and you don’t know—”
    “Kalia, I’m fine,” Alex protested. He backed away.
    “Alex, you’re not fine. You look like death right now.”
    “Thanks,” Alex said wryly.
    Kalia steered him toward the shower rooms. He wanted to tell her that her hands were getting dirty, but knew she would just ignore him. She reached in and turned on one of the showers.
    “Kalia, this is getting out of hand,” Alex argued.
    “Don’t take that tone with me, Alex. You could be hurt and not even know it. Now change out of those clothes.”
    Alex’s mouth dropped open. “Kalia, seriously. I can take care of myself.”
    She put her hands on her hips and tapped one toe on the floor. “I’m not so sure about that. Now that I’m an Alpha, next term, things are going to be different.”
    Alex rolled his eyes. “I’m going to shower, and I need you to leave while I do.”
    “What clothes are you going to change into when you’re done?”
    Alex hadn’t thought that far ahead. He shrugged. “I’ll figure it out.”
    Kalia sighed. “Fine, but I’m going to wait on the couch so you can call me if you need me.”
    Alex’s frustration finally got the better of him. “I don’t need you. When are you going to figure that out?”
    The look of hurt that swept across Kalia’s face made Alex immediately regret his words.
    “Kalia, I—”
    She stormed out of the shower room without looking back. A few seconds later, the unmistakable bang of her door slamming shut let Alex know she didn’t care about waking up the entire pack, and the other packs sleeping down the main hall as well.
    Later, Alex padded to his room in his soggy wolf form. He pushed the door open with his nose and collapsed on the bed without bothering to phase. If the room smelled like a wet dog the next morning, maybe it would be enough to keep Kalia from tormenting him.

Chapter Seven
    Alex ran through the woods in wolf form. The snow was long gone and the fresh smell of loam beneath his paws filled him with joy. The Termers had left a few days ago, and Alex was relieved he didn’t have to worry about Kalia for a few months. The furry tail Professor Colleen had doused in orange oil coated his mouth with bitterness. He wondered if Professor Chet had given input to the scent. He enjoyed tormenting the students in his own small ways.
    The shushing sound of footprints warned him a second before a cream-colored wolf would have slammed into his side. Alex jumped out of the way and Cassie skittered to a stop in the meadow, her tongue out and dark blue eyes dancing with laughter. Tennison appeared a second later, his lanky wolf stride effortlessly eating up the forest floor. Alex darted past them both, keeping his prize away from them as he loped deeper into the forest.
    The sound of other paws reached Alex’s ears as additional Lifers fought to claim the prize for themselves. A reward of Cook Jerald’s famous blackberry cream cheese pie awaited whichever Lifer returned the fox tail Colleen had hidden deep in the forest. Alex loved blackberry cream cheese pie and was determined to be the one to claim it. Whether he shared it with his twin sister and her boyfriend teetered on how much they interfered with him winning the reward.
    Tennison beat him at the next turn and made a grab for the tail. Alex spun to the right. The tall werewolf’s fangs snapped shut millimeters from the prize. Cassie had anticipated the move and was already there. Only Alex’s quick reflexes saved him. He jerked his head up, flinging the tail into the air. Both werewolves stopped short in surprise, giving Alex the chance to leap over Cassie and catch it in his mouth before it hit the ground. He took off again in a cloud of dirt

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