Princess for Hire
and made me promise to guard it with my life and only read it in a safe, private place. The constant possibility of a Sub Spotting might have scared me if I hadn’t been so pumped about the device itself. I had to get one of these for school!
    The home screen was divided into sections that each had a cute icon. A sun for the weather, a compass for the GPS system, a tiara for princess mail (with a message already there!). Some even had little captions underneath, like the lipstick for beauty and health tips (top energy bars for the sub on the go); a high heel for royal fashion (a crash course on the four C’s of diamonds); a horse for royal skills (how to shoot an arrow without killing your princess); and best of all, a winking eye for gossip (scandals of Lady Jana: the lady-in-waiting who just can’t wait).
    I couldn’t resist clicking on the winking eye first. Shots of various princesses splattered the page, organized by region. For each princess there was a message board where subs could anonymously post helpful nuggets. I read through a few:
Fturagent3: Princess Jamelia says she’s a vegetarian, but then what’s with the McDonald’s wrappers under her bed?
OrngNewPink: Duchess Olivia is totally anal about her tan lines. Follow her tanning schedule exactly. Don’t do what I did and try to cheat with self-tanner. Worst PPR ever.
SportySub: Baroness Anne and the Duchess of Watershire are STILL not talking after the Poodle Incident. In fact, steer clear of all pooches. Things could get catty.
    I did a search on Princess Simahya and came up with one comment:
AfricanPrincess: She’s really quiet and likes to eat. A LOT. If you shut your mouth except when you’re shoving food into it, you’ll do fine.
    What a mean thing to say! I considered posting this, but was too excited to read the message waiting in my inbox. I clicked on the e-mail and instantly the full details of my very first royal adventure filled the screen.
    At the top was a photograph of the palace (yeah, PALACE), and I kid you not, half of Sproutville could have fit inside. Flamboyant gardens surrounded the compound, and loads of expensive cars lined the driveway.
    In her profile picture, the princess was looking down, like she was scared of cameras. And if it hadn’t been for the title above her name, you’d have thought she was just a regular, kind of pudgy teenager.
    Next, she’d posted a family picture with all her siblings’ names and ages captioned below. It was a beautiful picture of everyone but Simahya, who had her eyes closed and wasn’t smiling. Even her father, middle-aged with a round stomach and bulbous nose, looked handsome in it. And too bad for Simahya, she looked nothing like her beautiful mother—but her older sister, Nabila, did.
    Even her personal information read like she was trying to rush through it so she could go back to being unnoticeable.
Princess Simahya bint Zafir bin Sultan al-Dhayrif (Everyone just calls me Simmy)
Age: 13
Hometown: Al Hayrah
Favorite Color: Orangish Reddish Yellow. Ish.
Favorite Book: The Trumpet of the Swan by E. B. White. Or any romance. Especially ones with strong women and shirtless men.
Favorite Food: (with pictures of three different dishes below it). Sweets. Also chicken with nuts in spicy marinade. And fresh-baked rosemary bread. Wait, do I have to pick one?
Family Background: My father is Sheikh Zafir. As sovereign prime minister, he oversees oil distribution for the entire western coast, so he’s never around. My mother is also gone a lot—she’s flying in from Europe just in time for the charity event. Queen Raelena is visiting! Plus, all of our aunts and uncles and cousins from both sides of the family are staying with us this week. Fifteen women and only twelve bathrooms. Yikes! I’m SO glad you’re coming.
I have two brothers and a sister, Nabila, who thinks she’s in charge of everything. Seriously, don’t sneeze unless you have her permission. Actually, just avoid her if you can.

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