Stormy Glenn - Blaecleah Brothers 06 - Cowboy Convenience

Free Stormy Glenn - Blaecleah Brothers 06 - Cowboy Convenience by Stormy Glenn

Book: Stormy Glenn - Blaecleah Brothers 06 - Cowboy Convenience by Stormy Glenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stormy Glenn
the report one more time. He wanted to have all of his facts straight before he started questioning Mr. Murphy.
John didn’t know how long he had been sitting there when he heard his phone buzz. He reached over and grabbed it. “Sheriff Riley.”
“Hey, Sheriff, this is Webber. I’m out here at the Murphy place, but no one is here. The place looks deserted.”
“Damn.” John rubbed his hand down over his face, sighing deeply. “Okay, come on back to the station. I’ll put an APB out on Murphy.”
“Okay, see you soon, Sheriff.”
“Yeah.” John hung up the phone and got up, walking to his office door. “Marc, I want an APB put out on Ezra Murphy. I want him brought in for questioning in connection with the fire at his auto repair shop.”
“Will do, Sheriff.”
John nodded and went back into his office.
There were days when this job really sucked.
Chapter 6
    Yancy could feel someone watching him before he even opened his eyes. His years of being a police detective had him sniffing the air for just a second before Seamus’s rich masculine scent reached him.
    A welcoming smile started to stretch across his lips as he opened his eyes. Yancy would be the first to admit that he was a little surprised to find Seamus stretched out on the bed next to him. Except for that spectacular blow job in the shower, the man hardly ever made the first move with him.
    Yancy wasn’t surprised to see the turmoil swirling in Seamus’s deep-emerald eyes. It seemed to always be there. Only on a few rare occasions had Yancy seen Seamus’s eyes sparkle with delight.
    “Hey,” he whispered softly as to not break whatever euphoric bubble they were floating in.
“Hey,” Seamus whispered right back.
“Are you okay, honey?”
Seamus’s eyes darted away for a moment, the man licking his lips as if they had suddenly gone dry. He was nervous. Yancy could see it, and his heart started to drop. Was Seamus here to tell him good-bye?
Yancy wasn’t sure he could handle that.
“Do you still want me?”
Shock held Yancy immobile for a moment. How could Seamus doubt that? “Yes,” he said simply instead of screaming and yelling like he wanted to. He wanted Seamus more than he wanted to see the sun come up the next morning.
“Then I’m yours.”
Elation shot through Yancy like a thunderstorm. He started to reach for Seamus when reality slapped him across the face with a resounding, but silent, thud. Earlier, Seamus hadn’t seemed to know what he wanted, and now he did? What was with the sudden aboutface?
“What about John?” He hated that name.
Seamus lifted his eyes until they met Yancy’s. “I’m not going to lie to you, Yancy. I still have feelings for John. But I have feelings for you, too.” Seamus drew in a deep breath as if there wasn’t enough air in his lungs. “And I’m starting to think that my feelings for John were all one sided, that maybe I saw what I wanted to see.”
“And that means what?” Yancy wanted all of the cards laid out on the table. He was fine with Seamus wanting to take things slow, but if the guy was giving him the green light, he wanted to know Seamus really meant it before he allowed the man to have his heart.
“That means that if you still want me, I’m willing to put John in my past and give everything to this relationship with you.”
Yancy allowed himself to reach for Seamus this time, pulling the man close, feeling the building need inside of him growing stronger. “Promise me that you won’t break my heart, Seamus. Promise that you will always be mine.”
“I promise,” Seamus said on a whispered groan as he pressed his heated body against Yancy.
He knew in his heart that Seamus meant what he said, but Yancy also knew that he only had half of the man, the sheriff owning the other half. All he could do was try to make Seamus forget the sheriff and hope that in time he could have all of Seamus’s love.
Yancy ran his rough hand down the side of the man’s body, cupping Seamus’s ass

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