Leaving Unknown

Free Leaving Unknown by Kerry Reichs

Book: Leaving Unknown by Kerry Reichs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kerry Reichs
“Fuck me. Legs up, Toots.”
    “Oh shit,” Oliver contributed excitedly.
    Bruce rolled his eyes. A tiny woman hurried into the room. She wore her graying hair in two long braids and I instantly tumbled in love. “Don’t you mind Lulabell,” the woman said. “She spent too much time in the Sheriff’s office when she was young, listening to foulmouthed criminals and even fouler-mouthed deputies.” Here she shot Bruce a dirty look. He managed to look abashed. It clicked that this was his ex-wife.
    It was hard to make out detail by candlelight, but she was clearly no more than five feet tall. At five foot nine, I towered over her. And Bruce towered over me. What a funny couple they would have been. Her movements were precise, with no inefficient gestures. Three steps to the stove, a glance into the pot. Reach for a mug with one hand, extinguish the gas with the other, pour liquid into the mug with one hand, extract a spoon from the drawer with the other. Turn to the table, simultaneously place the mug and spoon before one chair and pull out another. It was like watching an expertly choreographed dance. I didn’t realize I was transfixed until she demanded, “Well are you two going to sit, or am I going to need neck surgery from looking up at you?”
    We sat. Bruce cleared his throat.
    “Maeve, this here is Ruby. Ruby, this is the gal I was tellin’ you about,” Bruce said.
    “It would be a remarkable feat if you managed to come up with a substitute stray girl in the fifteen minutes since you called, Lawrence,” Ruby said. She examined me in the candlelight.
    “I’m Maeve Connelly,” I said. “This is Oliver.” Oliver was torn between Ruby’s compelling presence and the phantomcockatiel in the next room, swiveling his head from one direction to the other.
    “Howdy pardner.” Oliver focused on Ruby, on his best behavior. He was definitely getting Cheetos tomorrow. They were his favorite, but I usually discouraged saturated fats.
    “Howdy yourself.” Ruby returned the greeting seriously. I plummeted even farther in love. I casually crossed an ankle over my knee, hitching my jeans cuff to show off my kneesocks. I thought Ruby would appreciate the lizard motif.
    Her level gaze returned to me. “I’m Ruby Ransome.” Inelegantly, I sneezed in response. Three times, fast.
    “Bless you. I understand you’ve had car trouble.”
    It wasn’t a question but I answered anyway. “Yes ma’am.”
    There was another squawk. We all looked confused, because it didn’t come from Oliver or Lulabell. It emanated from the vicinity of Bruce’s stomach.
    “Bruce? Bruce, you there?” It was a walkie-talkie. Bruce fumbled to turn its volume down, shooting a sheepish look at Ruby.
    Ruby rose fluidly. “We’ve all had a long night. Lawrence, you’re needed. Go back to the station. I’ll handle it from here. Call me tomorrow at ten o’clock with information on PIGS and Barney’s schedule.” I had no idea what she was talking about, but I knew that when she said ten o’clock she didn’t mean it like most of us mean it. She meant ten precisely. From Bruce’s look, he knew it too. He bent and kissed her cheek.
    “You’re a good woman, Ruby.” To my surprise, Ruby blushed. To me he said, “I’ll be seein’ about your car.” Then he was gone. Suddenly I was too exhausted to think.
    “Maeve, you’ll sleep in Room Number One.” I didn’t question her choice to identify her rooms by number rather than function. I just hoped Number One had a bed in it. I rose tiredly. “Oliver can bunk with Lulabell,” Ruby finished.
    I froze, panic blooming. “No,” I said, before I could stop myself. Ruby looked at me in surprise. “I mean, I’m sorry, you’ve been so nice and all, it’s just…” My voice trailed away. How to explain that I couldn’t be parted from my bird? My life was topsy-turvy. Oliver was the only thing tethering me to myself. I didn’t trust him out of my sight. I opened my mouth. Then closed

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