Surrender to Desire
“I can go riding in
    “For now. We’ll have to see about getting you some boots.”
    The first thing Callie noticed on entering the barn was the
pungent smell of horse and leather, and something else. There was hay
everywhere, and all kinds of riding equipment and barn supplies hanging on the
walls. Two sets of stalls lined the back, most were empty except for a couple.
Chaz took her to a stall with the name ‘Gypsy’ on it.
    “Gypsy is very gentle. Great for beginners.”
    When he opened the stall door Callie stepped back. He took
Gypsy by the halter and led her out. There wasn’t much for her to do after
that, as Chaz busied himself with saddling the small white mare. It amused her
to watch him, he was so focused that she was willing to bet he’d forgotten all
about her. Then he moved on to another stall and removed a large, sorrel with a
shiny coat.
    Once his horse, Santana, was saddled he helped Callie mount
Gypsy. He gave her a quick lesson on how to control the mare with her legs and
the reins.
    “I think I have it,” she said after about ten minutes.
    He smiled up at her. “Good. We won’t be doing more than a
trot today. If you get into trouble just let me know.” He mounted his horse and
led the way out of the stable.
    They rode down a dirt driveway, through an opened gate, and
into a pasture. There were ranch-hands all about, making her wonder how many
they had working for them. All were busy doing one task or another, most
acknowledged her and Chaz with a wave or shout.  
    “Hey, Jax!” Callie followed Chaz’s gaze to see a group of
men digging holes. One man in particular looked their way. “Where can I find my
    “Down at the far end of this line. He wants this new fence
up by the end of the day!”
    “Thanks!” Chaz looked over at Callie, where she’d come to a
stop next to him. “Jax is our ranch manager. His job is to know where everyone
one is at all times.”
    “That sounds like an impossible job.”
    “Nah. We use radios.” He gave Callie a wink and nudged his
    She nudged her horse and almost let out a squeal when Gypsy
took off suddenly at a quick pace. But then she realized the ground had dipped unexpectedly,
and when the mare was on even ground again she fell back into a slower pace. As
they neared the end of the line, she saw Blade before he noticed them. He was
adjusting a pole into the ground. The definition of muscles in his arms as he
worked took her breath away.
    Then, as if something unseen passed between them, he glanced
their way. Her heart did a flip, and a warm flush surged through her. He straightened
from what he was doing and wiped his arm across his brow, and then started
walking their way. Though he did briefly acknowledge Chaz, his burning gaze
remained on Callie. She stared with longing at him.
    “When did you get back?” he asked Chaz, rubbing Gypsy’s
    “This morning.”
    “You haven’t wasted any time.” Blade’s gaze moved from Chaz
to Callie, then back again.
    His message couldn’t have been clearer, to Callie anyway. He
was staking a claim on her and making sure his brother knew it. At least that’s
what she was hoping.
    Chaz threw back his head and laughed. “Relax, brother.
Callie and I are just out for a little ride. And besides, I already saw your
mark on her.”
    What? Callie knew
exactly what Chaz was referring to. She’d seen the purplish mark on her neck
that morning when she showered, only she thought she’d covered it up with
makeup. Now she understood the long look Chaz had given her in the kitchen
earlier. He must have noticed it and drawn the only conclusion that made sense.
    With both brothers looking at her with quiet amusement, she
felt her cheeks fill with heat. “I was ambushed.”
    Her comment had Chaz erupting into laughter.
    “Really?” Blade’s gaze moved lazily down Callie’s body,
leaving her tingling in places only he had knowledge of. “You never saw it
coming?” His gaze

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