
Free Persuaded by Jenni James

Book: Persuaded by Jenni James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenni James
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
as he approached Kylie’s side was just the opposite. His dazzling smile beamed down on me as he cheerfully asked, “Did you enjoy your evening?”
    Watching old reruns was great—you have no idea. There isn’t anything else I wish I could’ve done. Nothing at all. “I . . . uh, yes. Did you? I mean, did you guys have fun?”
    “We had an awesome time. I wish you could’ve been there!” Kylie gushed. All at once she came alive as she dragged Gregory over to sit with her in the sofa facing mine. “The movie was so funny. You would’ve loved it! And then the dancing—the dancing was so cool. Gregory took me to this amazing restaurant that had country dancing.”
    “Country dancing?”
    “Yeah! Did you know that there’s a country swing? Oh my gosh! It is seriously the most fun dance ever. You have to try it.” Kylie was so animated and happy I’d almost forgotten she’d seemed peeved I was there when she first came in. This was like a completely different person. I could see Gregory really liked the effect her enthusiastic smile had on her features. His eyes never strayed from her delighted face.
    I smiled. When Kylie is really happy, her physical features change. She becomes so real in that moment, it makes up for all of the times when she’s hiding behind a mask.
    “Look! Gregory even bought me the CD of the band that was playing tonight. They were so good. I loved them.”
    I thought you hated country music. “Can I see?” I brought my hand out from under the blanket and took the CD from Kylie. “Wait, they’re from Durango, aren’t they?” I hadn’t realize the band had a gig in Farmington.
    “That’s where we went!”
    What? “Wait a minute. You guys went to Durango, Colorado?”
    “Yeah.” Kylie laughed.
    “But isn’t that like an hour away?” I turned to Gregory. It was only midnight, and I wondered just how fast his Mustang could go. There was no way they made it to Durango, to the movie, dinner, and then dancing in that amount of time.
    “It’s only half an hour when you use the Wentworth’s private jet.” Kylie’s smile was smug.
    “Are you kidding me?” My jaw dropped as I stared at Gregory.
    He chuckled. “Nope. It only took us twenty-five minutes.”
    Doesn’t anyone but me think about saving the environment? What about global warming, people? Okay, so truth be told, I was jealous. More than jealous. I was positively green with envy. Doesn’t every girl fantasize about a totally hot guy whisking her away in his family’s private jet to enjoy a romantic date? I mean, hello! What girl wouldn’t love that? And with Gregory of all people.

Eight: Rise and Shine!

    On second thought, I think I am ready to go to bed now.
    “Psst . . . Amanda? Are you up yet?”
    “Huh?” Groggily, I rolled over and squinted at the bright sunshine pouring into the bedroom. “What time is it?”
    “It’s ten already. Hurry and wake up, sleepyhead.”
    “Ten?” I sat up. Ugh. I’d had a rather rough night, full of nightmares of crashing airplanes and all sorts of things. I never slept well when I wasn’t in my own bed. I squinted and tried to locate Kylie. Without my contacts, the room was a sea of blue.
    “Yep, it’s ten!” Sometimes Kylie was a little too perky for me. “I’ve been dying for you to wake up all morning. I’ve got the best news in the world.”
    I grabbed my glasses from the nightstand next to the bed and slipped them on. Finally, I was able to see my friend. She was sitting at her vanity table facing me, but she looked like she would burst out of the chair at any moment. She was already dressed, with makeup on and everything.
    “So what’s the news?” I yawned, rubbing my face to try to wake it up.
    “Wow. You look tired. Wake up! I want you to be coherent when I tell you everything.”
    Is she bouncing in her chair? I glanced over. Kylie was bouncing, all right. “I am coherent. I think.” I chuckled and rubbed my face again. “What’s up? Are you gonna

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