Hidden Deep
laughed, and all traces of concern left his face. “What are squatters?”
    “You know, people who live on someone else’s land without permission. It doesn’t matter. I don’t care. I won’t tell my grandma, and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind, even if she knew—she’s very generous.”
    His head fell back, and his laughter rang through the woods. “We’re not…” His voice strained with unfinished laughter. “…squatters.”
    “Well, what? Some kind of survivalists? A cult?”
    “No, Ryann. We’re not a cult.” Tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes now from the exertion of his laughter.
    I was growing impatient and starting to feel very silly. Clearly I had grossly misread the situation. “What then? What?”
    He stopped laughing, but he still seemed entertained. Lad took my hands again and rubbed the pads of his thumbs gently over my knuckles, making my skin tingle with pleasure. He pulled me closer to him, and I was bathed in the heat of his body and his enticing scent. He could’ve told me he was Darth Vader at this point, and I wouldn’t have cared.
    “It’s nothing bad, and it’s nothing illegal. We’re just different. Think of it as… another culture. You wouldn’t understand, even if I were allowed to tell you. Can we still be friends if I don’t explain?”
    I paused as his words sank in. “I guess so.” That’s what I said . My thoughts weren’t so agreeable. Super. No answers . And he wanted to be friends .
    I’d always been the girl hot guys were “just friends” with. Normally that was what I wanted—it made me comfortable. When a really cute guy would show any interest in more, I’d make a point of saying something like, “I’m so glad we’re friends . You’re such a great buddy.” But this time—I actually wanted to be with the guy, to get closer, to move forward.
    “Good.” Lad dropped my hands. “I need to get you back home. The sun’s almost down, and you are apparently too tempting for the local predators to resist. We don’t want to give them another shot after dark.”
    “Take me to your house first,” I blurted. “I don’t have to meet your family. I just want to see where you live.” So I can find you in case you disappear on me again.
    “No. Ryann, did you not listen to anything I said?” He looked skyward and made an irritated noise. “Never mind. Come here.” Lad put his hands on my shoulders and looked down into my eyes, staring hard. I saw his exasperation shift into something else, a very intense concentration.
    After a few seconds, I said, “What is that?”
    “What?” He broke his stare and glanced away, blinking.
    “When you look at me all weird like that. You gave me the same ‘pushy’ look the other day at the pool.”
    Lad blinked a few more times, opening and closing his mouth without any sound coming out.
    “Another secret, hmm?” I asked. I moved closer, leaving only inches between us. I placed my palms against his chest and looked up into his face. “Believe it or not, you can trust me. I haven’t told a soul about you. Well—not since I was six years old—but everyone thought I made you up then anyway. And I literally owe you my life. I would never do anything to cause you problems.”
    “I know. I’m sorry. I wish I could show you where I live.” Lad spoke softly, barely above a whisper, focusing on me so intensely, I felt like he could see inside my thoughts. “I want to tell you things… but I can’t. Besides, you would never believe me.”
    “Yes I would. Of course I would. Why would you say that?” I couldn’t control the urge to reach up to his troubled face. I wanted him to know he was safe with me. And I felt safe with him—weird—maybe it was our childhood connection or the fact that he’d saved me twice now, but I trusted him. I wanted him to trust me, too.
    I pressed my palm gently against Lad’s cheek. His sharp intake of breath was audible. His hands gripped my waist. Starting to set me

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