In Bed with a Rogue

Free In Bed with a Rogue by Samantha Grace

Book: In Bed with a Rogue by Samantha Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Grace
Ellis’s jaw bulged and fire flared in his eyes, but the earl doused the flames. His smile was grim and forced. “I could say those words fit you as well, but I promised Gabby I would mindmy manners.”
    “What do you want?”
    Ellis took a step toward him, his footfall silent on the thick Turkish carpet. “My wife suggested we try to make amends.”
    “Has your bollocks in hand, does she?”
    The earl’s brows dipped low and he crossed his arms. “I refuse to exchange insults. I only meant to tell you I didn’t intend for matters to end badly for you.”
    “Are you trying to say you are sorry?”
    “For doing what I did? Never . I need Gabby as much as the air I breathe.”
    Sebastian scoffed. “The chit has turned you into a sap.” He continued toward the ballroom, dismissing Ellis.
    “I’m sorry for what my actions did to you, my friend.”
    Sebastian paused with his hand on the door handle. The word friend was bittersweet. In all his years of competing with Ellis, Sebastian had never realized the earl was the only real friend he’d ever had. Now there was nothing but anger in Sebastian’s heart.
    “I want to help,” the earl said.
    “I never needed your help, and I don’t need it now.”
    Ellis’s assistance had made his life hell years ago at Eton. When the earl had intervened in a fight between Sebastian and three older boys who had been tormenting Sebastian since his arrival at the school, he thought he’d made a lifelong friend. Then Ellis hadn’t arrived at the stables the next morning to ride with him as planned. The bullies had ambushed him. Their leader had taunted him. Where is your wet nurse, Thorne?
    No one else had been in the building. Not even a groom could be found. The biggest one had smacked a riding crop against his meaty palm. Ellis won’t be here to save you today. He has better ways to spend his time.
    Sebastian took a beating like he’d never known that day, and the attacks increased in intensity and duration over the next few weeks. He had lain in bed at night with the taste of his own blood feeding his desperation. He couldn’t stop fighting back. If he had, he would have always been seen as a victim in need of rescue from the heroic Anthony Keaton. Sebastian’s only hope had been to become better than Ellis.
    At fisticuffs. At riding. At anything and everything.
    Eventually, Sebastian established a reputation for fighting like the devil’s spawn, and the other boys began to give him wide berth and grudging respect. By the time he no longer needed to prove his superiority over Ellis, challenging the earl had become a game. One Sebastian enjoyed playing and winning until Gabrielle.
    He met his former friend’s shuttered gaze. The sting of betrayal was as sharp as the moment Sebastian learned Ellis had run away with Gabrielle. As hurtful as the day the earl hadn’t come to the stables as promised.
    Sebastian would be a fool to trust the man ever again. “Bugger off.”

    Helena was ashamed to admit she was hiding from Lord Thorne. In the ladies’ retiring room, of all places. It was the one place she felt certain she wouldn’t bump into him again.
    Unfortunately, one could only do so much primping before earning curious stares from the retiring room attendant. Helena glanced up to catch the young woman goggling her in the looking glass for the third time. The attendant averted her gaze.
    Helena swallowed a resigned sigh. Hiding was pointless given he would be standing in her drawing room before the night was over. Carefully, she replaced the lid on her lip rouge, slid it into her beaded reticule, then slowly gained her feet.
    The retiring room door swung open and Celeste, Baroness Lovelace, entered. Her step faltered when she spotted Helena, but she covered her hesitation with a pretty smile. “Lady Prestwick, I thought you had gone.”
    “I will be leaving soon.” Helena avoided looking in the mirror. If she didn’t see the blood rushing to her cheeks, she

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