Slow No Wake

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Book: Slow No Wake by Dakota Madison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dakota Madison
Tags: Romance
from the cup. The thought of his lips recently touching the same thing my lips were touching turned me on more than I liked. I couldn’t stop thinking about his lips and what they could do to me.
    When I glanced at Eddie, he was staring at me. And not just any stare. He was giving me a very naughty ‘I want to rip your clothes off’ stare. Oh, God, I’m in trouble, I thought as my stomach started to churn. The only thing I could be thankful for was that we were outside in a very public place.
    “When are you going to let me show you everything I want from you, Alexandria?” His gaze was laser intense.
    I tried to speak but no words came out. I had to think rationally before I did something completely stupid. But the only thing that came to mind were his lips touching mine. I instinctively bit my lower lip, which then reminded me of Daniel and the utterly sexy way he always did that.
    Oh, God. I was definitely going to drive myself insane.
    It took every ounce of energy I could muster to stand and grab my book. “I think I’d better go,” I managed to mutter.
    Eddie motioned toward my half empty cup. “Aren’t you going to finish your tea? I think it’s still hot.” The way he said it, made it sound like the tea wasn’t the only thing that was still hot. Ugh.
    “Why don’t you keep it,” I said as I turned to leave.
    I tried to hurry away but I could feel Eddie coming up behind me. His energy was unmistakable.
    “Still going on that date tonight?” he asked when he caught up to me.
    “Not that it’s any of your business,” I said, trying to put him off.
    He slid in front of me and stopped me from walking any further. I froze when I saw that his expression had turned serious. He cupped my chin with his hand and gazed into my eyes. “Spend the night with me instead of him.”
    I gulped. Why was Eddie doing this now? I was going to see Daniel in just a few hours.
    “I can’t do that, Eddie.” I would never do that to Daniel.
    “Yes you can,” he urged. Eddie had so much desire in his eyes it took my breath away.
    “I can’t break a date I have in a few hours. It isn’t fair.”
    Eddie ran a finger down the side of my cheek and it sent shivers through me. I knew if I didn’t get away from him immediately, I’d end up in bed with him and I would be breaking my date with Daniel. Deep down, I knew I didn’t want to do either. Or did I?
    “You’re too good, Alexandria,” Eddie said. “Do you know that?”
    I didn’t have the time or desire to analyze that one. I just knew I had to get away from Eddie’s charms before he charmed me right into bed.
    “I really need to go.” I tried to sidestep Eddie but he just moved in front of me again and continued to block my way.
    He leaned close to my ear and I could feel his breath on my neck. And God, he smelled good. Like coconut suntan oil. “If you don’t get everything you need tonight, you know where to find me. Just knock on my door. I’ll be waiting.”
    Then he gave me a little grin, turned and walked away, leaving me melting on the sidewalk into a heap of lust and desire.
    E very outfit I owned was out of my closet and on my bed and I still had no idea what to wear. I was regretting not getting something, anything, when I was at the mall, because nothing I owned seemed right.
    I could feel my eyes begin a tear up and the last thing I wanted to do was cry right before my date. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. I knew my emotions were running high and it wasn’t just because of my wardrobe. It was thinking about Eddie and Daniel and my sister and even my ex. I needed to get ahold of myself and prepare myself for my date, which was in less than an hour.
    I wanted to look good for Daniel and I wanted to be in the right place emotionally by the time I got there. Daniel deserved to have my very best and I wanted him to have it.
    D aniel asked me to meet him at a trendy Mexican restaurant on the beach. It was only a few

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