Slow No Wake

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Book: Slow No Wake by Dakota Madison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dakota Madison
Tags: Romance
blocks from my place, so I didn’t mind walking. It felt good to be outside, to feel the still-warm sun on my face and the fresh sea breeze blow through my hair.
    I got there a few minutes early but I noticed Daniel was already waiting for me by the entrance. He was holding a single red rose.
    His face lit up when he saw me. “You look amazing. I like your out-of-the-office attire.”
    I had decided to wear a sleeveless red mini-dress that I had forgotten I bought. It was one if my sister’s bright ideas. She thought I needed some more sexy attire but I never had occasion to wear it with Jeff, my ex. Maybe I should have. He might not have been so quick to call me boring.  
    Daniel was wearing black jeans that fit snugly in all the right places and a white polo that accentuated his tanned and muscular arms. The slow burn, I mentioned before, had just flamed a bit. He looked hot.
    “You don’t look so bad yourself,” I said.
    He handed me the flower and I sniffed it. I always loved the subtle fragrance of fresh roses. “It’s lovely. Thank you.”
    Daniel put out an elbow for me to grab. I wrapped my arm under his and followed him into the restaurant.
    He had reserved a table right next to the open air seating. We were still covered but we could also feel the ocean breeze and had a magnificent view of the gulf. I was starting to love the smell of the sea air and its slight dampness as I inhaled. Few sounds could compare to the rhythm of the ocean tide as the small waves crashed into the beach. 
    After the waitress took our orders, Daniel pointed out toward the setting sun.
    “It really is beautiful,” I said as I watched a lone gull fly in the horizon. The moment was picture perfect. “We didn’t get sunsets this fantastic in the Midwest.”
    “Or in Pennsylvania,” he said.
    “Are you glad you moved to Florida?” I asked.
    Daniel gave the question some thought. “For the most part. I’ve been extremely fortunate with my job and my Master’s program. And Tom lets me do my internship hours in the evenings, which is amazing. You can’t beat the weather. I love being outdoors. I love the ocean and kite surfing, obviously.”
    I smiled. “Yes, I did notice the kite surfing shrine in your office,” I joked.
    “It’s a bit excessive, isn’t it?”
    I shook my head. “No, it’s obviously something you’re passionate about.”
    “The only thing I haven’t been able to find in Florida is a relationship,” he admitted. Then he glanced up at me and our eyes met. “I hope to change that soon.”
    I could feel my cheeks redden. I didn’t know what to say. I suddenly felt nervous.
    Daniel was looking at me with so much tenderness and a truly open heart. He had laid his cards on the table and it scared the hell out of me. Was I really ready for a relationship? It suddenly hit me in the face why I was so attracted to Eddie. Besides the obvious physical appeal, his model perfect looks and the sexual heat he exuded with every breath he took, I was attracted to him because there was no chance of ever having to worry about anything serious. He had made it clear he wasn’t into anything more than casual hook-ups. He was Mr. I-don’t-do-two-night-stands. A big part of me was scared to death of getting serious with someone again. I had just put my heart back together again after Jeff (and my sister) broke it into a million little pieces. I wasn’t sure I was ready to risk having it broken again.
    “I really like you, Daniel. But it’s only been a few months since I broke off my engagement, so I’d like to take things slow.”
    He nodded but I could see a flash of disappointment sweep over his face. “I understand. From what you’ve told me, it sounds like you went through a pretty bad time.”
    “I did,” I admitted. “But I don’t want our date to be a downer. Let’s talk about something else. Tell me all about kite surfing.”
    I could see a small smile return to his face and the glow of his smile

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