Rise of the Billionaire

Free Rise of the Billionaire by Ruth Cardello

Book: Rise of the Billionaire by Ruth Cardello Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruth Cardello
moved on Dominic’s face , and his silence continued to the point of awkwardness. Eventually Dominic said, “Get the fuck out of my office.”
    Jeremy didn’t budge. He’d never gotten anything from backing down. “I’m serious. I respect your opinion. What do you think?”
    “I think you picked the wrong person to give you the birds -and-bees speech.”
    Shaking his head, Jeremy persisted. “I don’t think so. You’ve been linked to countless women in the press. I assume they were all women you wanted to be with sexually. How did you know that Abby was the right woman for you?”
    Jeremy thought that Dominic was going to tell him to leave again—or perhaps even call security—but Dominic’s expression softened at the mention of his wife. “I realized that when I was with her I was a better man.” A small smile stretched his lips and he added, “For example, she’s the reason you’re still alive.”
    Jeremy nodded as he mulled Dominic’s answer.
    If he based his decision on which woman made him want to be a better man, Jeisa won hands down. She was patient and supportive. She didn’t judge his weaknesses, and therefore he had never hidden them from her. They shared an honesty he couldn’t imagine ever achieving with someone like Alethea.
    I want Jeisa, and if I don’t do something fast, I’m going to lose her.
    Dominic leaned forward onto one elbow and said, “Now get out.”
    Despite the harshness of Dominic’s command, Jeremy stood and smiled. He’d gotten the answer he’d come for. “Thanks, Dom. I know what to do now.”
    As he was leaving, he said over his shoulder, “See you Thursday at the Andrades’.”
    He heard Dominic swearing as he closed the door and chuckled.
    I’m growing on him, Jeremy thought as he sauntered down the hallway.
    A million things to do that day, but first —and most important—Jeremy had a date to plan.
    Where do you take someone when you can afford to take her anywhere?
    A few hours later, Jeremy was sitting in his office in the Corisi building, being far from productive. He listened to voice messages from two senators, a handful of headhunters, and a reporter he had no intention of calling back. He even listened to a message from Alethea. She was heading back to Tenin to double-check something and she wanted to know if he could join her. She suggested they celebrate Thanksgiving abroad while looking into something she didn’t want to discuss on the phone.
    There was a time when he would have given anything for such a message from Alethea . Today, it left him cold. All he could think about was Jeisa and how he wanted to spend the week getting to know her better.
    Bold plans for a man who had no experience in such things.
    Why the hell did I say I’d pick her up on Monday? I should have given myself more time to come up with something amazing. Still seated at his desk, he was staring out the window of his office when Marie knocked lightly on the door and entered. He stood to greet her.
    Marie studied his face. “I’m glad to see you’re sporting fewer bruises these days.”
    Jeremy smiled. Marie’s visit felt like sunshine after a storm: welcome, warm, and an uncomplicated joy. “Good to see you, Marie.” He held out a chair for her and sat across from her. “What brings you here?”
    “Have you seen Jeisa since you returned?”
    He felt his face redden. “Yes.”
    “So, you know she’s quitting?”
    “I talked her into staying for one more week. She and I will be at the Andrades’ house with you for Thanksgiving.”
    “That’s wonderful! How did you convince her?”
    His face warmed even more.
    A huge smile lit Marie’s face. “You don’t know how happy this makes me.”
    Jeremy cleared his throat and cautioned , “Marie, don’t make it more than it is. We haven’t even had our first date yet.”
    “Well, what are you waiting for?”
    He leaned back in his chair and covered his face with one hand. “I told her I’d pick her up on

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