
Free Backtracker by Robert T. Jeschonek

Book: Backtracker by Robert T. Jeschonek Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert T. Jeschonek
    " What do you mean ? " asked Dave, frowning slightly.
    " I just mean maybe you oughtta ' be more careful, " Larry said slowly. " Maybe you shouldn ' t assume that no one ' s going to turn you in. "
    " How come ? " wondered Billy. " Are you planning on finking on us, man? "
    " No, " Larry said flatly, shaking his head. " I ' ve never been a backstabber, and I never will be. In my opinion, backstabbers are the lowest form of life on the planet. "
    " Then what are you talking about ? " pressed Dave, feeling a fresh tingle of suspicion.
    " I don ' t think you should take it for granted that everyone ' s going to cover for you, " explained Larry, his eyes coolly meeting Dave ' s. " You can ' t always depend on people to keep secrets, especially if the secrets give them some kind of power over you. "
    " Sure you can, " clipped Billy. " I ' ve been at Wild West almost six years now, and the whole time I ' ve worked there, no one ' s ever turned anyone in for swiping food. "
    " We ' re all pretty tight, " added Dave. " We all look out for each other. "
    " People are funny, " said Larry. " They can turn on you in a second. "
    " Not at Double - Doubleyoo, " asserted Billy. " Most of us have been working together for years, and we don ' t sell each other out. "
    " Hey, " said Larry, crumpling his empty beer can in one hand. " All I ' m saying is that it doesn ' t hurt to cover your ass. You never know when someone ' s gonna ' have a change of heart. "
    " Well, we appreciate the advice, " Billy said sincerely, crushing his own empty can as well. " It makes sense, but it just isn ' t something we have to worry about. "
    " Okay, " shrugged Larry, letting his chair fall forward so that all four legs touched the floor. " If you say it ' s all clear at Wild West, that ' s your call. I ' m still gonna ' be careful, though. "
    " You mean you don ' t want any more snacks ? " asked Billy, his eyes glittering impishly once more. " You don ' t want any of those delicious porterhouses? "
    " I didn ' t say that , " smirked Larry, rising from his chair.
    " I mean, if you really don ' t want to chance it, I won ' t send back any more ' practice ' steaks. I don ' t want you to get busted or anything, Larry. " Grinning like a leprechaun, Billy sounded obliging, as if he were truly concerned about Larry Smith ' s well - being.
    " No no, " chuckled Larry, walking around the table. " You just keep those steaks coming. There ' s no need to be too careful here. "
    " Okey - doke, " laughed Billy. " As long as you ' re sure you can trust me. "
    " Oh, I know I can trust you two, " announced Larry as he flipped his mangled beer can into the trash bucket beside the refrigerator. " I ' m not worried about you guys at all. "
    " How come ? " wondered Dave.
    " Because I know I can trust you, " said Larry as he opened the refrigerator. " I can read people pretty well, and I can tell you two are okay. "
    " So how often are you right about people ? " asked Dave.
    " Always, " said Larry, reaching into the refrigerator for a beer. " It ' s a knack I have. "
    " Did you meet anybody at Double - Doubleyoo you don ' t think you can trust ? " queried Billy, his voice laced with amusement.
    Larry nodded. " Just a few, but then I haven ' t met everyone who works there yet. "
    " So who are they ? " asked Billy.
    " Tom Martin, of course. " Larry tugged a beer from the refrigerator and waved it at Billy, who nodded.
    " That ' s an easy one, " said Billy as Larry lobbed the beer to him. " Who else didn ' t you like? "
    " I ' d rather not say, " evaded Larry, drawing his own beer from the refrigerator and closing the door.
    " Aw, c ' mon, " coerced Billy. " Who else? "
    " I won ' t say, " insisted Larry. " I don ' t want you avoiding certain people just because I have a hunch about them. "
    " Yeah, " said Dave, " but you told us you ' re never wrong. "
    " There ' s a first time for everything, " countered Larry.
    " Oh, great, " muttered Billy. " First you tell us there ' s

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