The Jaguar's Jewel

Free The Jaguar's Jewel by Ron Roy

Book: The Jaguar's Jewel by Ron Roy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron Roy
Dink spread the note on his knees and read it out loud.
    Dear Nephew Donny
    I am so happy that you’re coming to visit! You and your friends are going to love New York city. I will meet your train at four o’clock on Friday, at grand Control Station
Uncle Warren
    Josh giggled. “He calls you Donny?”
    â€œYeah,” Dink said, blushing. “But if
ever do, I’ll tell all the kids at school your middle name is Carol.”
    â€œBut my middle name
Carol!” Josh said.
    Dink flashed an evil grin. “So?”
    â€œGuys, I think we’re there,” Ruth Rose said.
    The train slowed. Suddenly, the bright, sunny day vanished. Everything outside the train windows turned black.
    â€œHey, what happened?” Josh cried.
    Dink laughed. “We’re in a tunnel, Josh,” he said. “Don’t worry. Ruth Rose and I will protect you.”
    The train slowed even more, then stopped. “New York, Grand Central Station!” the conductor called. “Last stop! All passengers off!”
    The kids grabbed their backpacksand followed the other passengers to the door.
    â€œWatch your step,” the conductor said. He helped the kids hop onto the platform.
    They found themselves standing in a concrete tunnel. The dust and soot coming up from under the train made Dink sneeze.
    â€œWhere do we go?” Josh asked.
    â€œMy uncle said he’d meet us,” Dink said. “Maybe we should just wait here.”
    All around them, people were hurrying along the platform. Dink stood on tiptoe, but he couldn’t see his uncle anywhere.
    â€œIs that him?” Ruth Rose asked.
    She pointed to a short man in a gray suit. He was pushing toward them through the crowd.
    Dink jumped up and down and waved. “Uncle Warren, here we are!”

    Uncle Warren Duncan had white hair and a big smile. He carried an umbrella and wore a red carnation in his lapel. His eyeglasses twinkled in the underground lights.
    â€œDonny, welcome!” he said, beaming at the kids. “How was your train ride? Are you hungry?”
    â€œWe’re fine,” Dink said. “The train was great, and Mom packed sandwiches for us.”
    â€œSplendid!” Dink’s uncle gave him a big hug.
    â€œAnd whom have we here?” he asked,peering through his round glasses.
    â€œJosh and Ruth Rose,” Dink said, “my best friends!”
    â€œMarvelous!” Uncle Warren said, shaking their hands. “Now let’s go find a cab. Follow me!”
    Uncle Warren marched up a long ramp with the kids right behind him. A moment later, they entered the biggest room Dink had ever seen.
    Hundreds of people bustled in every direction. A deep voice announcing train arrivals and departures echoed over a loudspeaker. Piles of luggage were heaped around the gleaming marble floor.
    Try as he might, Dink couldn’t take it all in. Uncle Warren said, “This is Grand Central Station’s main terminal. Look up!”
    The kids tipped their heads back and looked up … and up! Gold-paintedstars and animals danced across an emerald green ceiling.
    â€œThis is so awesome!” Josh said. “Look, there’s a bull and a goat!”
    â€œTaurus and Capricorn—the zodiac signs, dear boy,” Uncle Warren explained. “Now onward!”
    Uncle Warren marched them toward an exit. The kids followed him out of the building.
    The street outside Grand Central Station was a shock to Dink. His ears were blasted by horns honking, brakessquealing, music blaring, and food vendors shouting.

    â€œWelcome to the Big Apple!” Uncle Warren said.
    He waved his umbrella and whistled. A yellow cab zoomed up and screeched to a halt inches from Uncle Warren’s shiny black shoes.
    Uncle Warren yanked open the rear door. “In, youngsters, in!” he cried.
    They had barely sat down and shut the door when the

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