The Hungry Tide

Free The Hungry Tide by Valerie Wood

Book: The Hungry Tide by Valerie Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Valerie Wood
shabby satin dress.
    ‘Course he knows thee, Annie, doesn’t everybody?’ He bent over her and buried his face into the curve of her neck. As he laughingly pulled away there was a reddening mark on her flesh that his teeth had made. He drew up a stool and sat down drawing her on to his knee, his arms wrapped tightly around her, pulling her body close to his.
    ‘I’ll be moving off now.’ Rob turned to go, and Will was about to do the same, but Francis protested loudly. ‘Stay and have another drink, Will, I have summat in mind for thee.’
    Will viewed this with suspicion but decided to hear him out. There was always the chance after all, small though it was, that Francis did have a legitimate proposition and he decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. He said good night to Rob and sat down reluctantly, avoiding Annie’s eye as she wriggled and squirmed on Francis’s knee.
    ‘All it is,’ said Francis, ‘I’ve borrowed a cart and a lively little hoss and I’ve a mind to go for a jaunt into ’country.’ He smiled benevolently. ‘I thought perhaps tha might like to come along for a ride?’
    Annie squealed with pleasure. ‘Oh, Frankie, can I come?’
    He pushed her off his knee and slapped her behind. ‘Fetch us another drink and then I’ll see.’
    Carelessly he put his feet up on a table and asked Will. ‘Well, what about it, does tha fancy a bit of fresh air?’
    ‘Aye, I reckon I do,’ said Will slowly. ‘I could do with a change of scenery.’
    The two men eyed each other narrowly, there was no love lost between them. Then, as Annie returned with his drink, Francis took his boots off the table. ‘Right then. Tomorrow. I’ll pick thee up mid morning. I reckon tha’ll enjoy it.’
    Will nodded and looked away; he felt he’d been dismissed and rose to leave. Francis Morton was the last person that he would have chosen for a confidant. He was a town tyke born and bred, who earned his living on the streets and alleyways of the town, and wouldn’t have known what Will was talking about had he attempted to explain the terrible feeling of confinement that he felt, like an animal or bird in captivity. To be restrained by his disability to the boundary of the town streets, when he was within sight and sound of the River Humber which led down towards the vast, powerful sea, the sea which had been his livelihood and destination since he was a mere boy, not much older than his own son, and from which he was now banished for ever.
    ‘What do you mean, you don’t want to come?’ Isobel bristled with anger as she stared at Ellie standing in front of her, her head bowed so that all she could see was the top of her white cap.
    Ellie fiddled with a corner of her apron. ‘I don’t want to come, that’s all, ma’am.’
    The girl was sullen, she shifted from one foot to the other. ‘There’s nowt – nothing to do in ’country and besides, the others don’t want to go either.’
    Isobel’s mouth dropped open and then she quickly shut it again. This was something she hadn’t foreseen. She had been quite sure that her staff would have been willing to accompany her to the new house.
    ‘What, none of them?’
    ‘Only Mrs Harris, but then she wouldn’t be able to get another position at her age.’ Ellie stopped as if wondering if she had gone too far.
    ‘If I don’t recommend you, then none of you will get another position.’
    Isobel was angry and she knew that the statement she had made wasn’t true, for with the increase in trade and the number of new houses being built on the periphery of the town, there was now a shortage of good servants. Everyone knew how well trained her staff were, they would obtain a position without her recommendation.
    She tried wheedling. ‘There will be more time off, of course, and perhaps more money.’
    Ellie shook her head. ‘There’s no entertainment in ’country, ma’am, and besides folks are a bit slow out there.’ She tossed her head and added, ‘And

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