Playboy Doctor
how an adrenaline rush from crisis can bring out a women's sensuality.
    "About deciding on Baby Jack's surgery?" she asked.
    He cocked his head just so. The gesture only made him more handsome. Then again, perhaps the perilous ordeal they'd just endured made him all the more appealing.
    "Willow, we need to talk more about last night. But right now, I've got a resident to flail. I'll come find you later." In a smooth gesture, he rested his hand on her arm, electrifying her skin. Shayne's eyes crinkled in a polite smile before he flew down the hall.
    In stunned silence, Willow once again found herself alone, trying to make sense of what just happened. She hadn't even been given a moment to decipher his words, read into his tone, or search his eyes for some telltale sign of what was to come. Did he want to discuss where they were headed? Of course not because they headed nowhere. She knew it. He knew it.
    Perhaps he needed to tell her that he came to his senses. Saw things her way. Maybe he just wanted to let her down easy. After all, he did try to apologize for his actions and she'd refused the apology. Maybe she didn't get it through her thick head that he believed it never should have happened... and never would again.
    Her head spun and her heart thudded more furiously than it had back in the OR during the medical emergency. When it came to Shayne, Willow never knew what to expect.
    * * *
    Shayne took a brief break in the doctor's lounge for the first time that day. The room served as a place for him to fly in, grab coffee, check email, and dash off. But today, in the quiet of the lounge, he took an extra moment to savor the solitude and collect his thoughts.
    Thoughts about Willow.
    While he had stayed focused on his patients, Willow was never far from his mind, nor from his side. In the quieter times during the morning, her constant nearness triggered sweeping memories from the evening before. Her skin. Her scent. Her lips. Willow should have been an imposition in his home last night, but he had been the one to welcome her in the form of tender kisses.
    From the moment Willow left his flat early this morning, Shayne couldn't help but think about her unexpected revelation of an ex-husband. He'd been talking about changes in life and making decisions about those changes when she divulged the truth about her previous marriage. Her comment revealed an underlying pain, which left him concerned. But Willow had remained silent on the subject today so he kept his concern to himself. For now. Not that they had time to talk about it with the back-to-back procedures. But he'd rectify that later today.
    He poured himself a coffee and mentally prepared for the remaining tasks ahead, including ironing out the details for a plan for Baby Jack. Surgery was inevitable. He'd also have to fill Willow in on the details of the case.
    Throughout the day, he had enjoyed Willow by his side. Ever the trooper, she'd kept her cool in surgery, despite the complications thrown their way. And they'd had their share. Not the best scenario for someone like Willow returning to the OR after a long absence.
    Even in these few, quiet moments alone, his thoughts settled hotly on one vision in white; the nurse named Willow. The one he hadn't been able to keep his hands off of. The one he'd kept kissing last night.
    His obsessive thoughts over her confounded him. While he never gave anything less than one hundred percent to his patients, his lack of control over his escalating feelings for Willow left him on edge. The edginess kept his tone extra sharp when snapping orders. He even feared he'd bared his teeth when he snarled at the cocky resident in surgery. His ire rose at learning he'd been lied to in the middle of a procedure.
    But afterward, the memory of Willow's kiss eclipsed everything and he was appeased. The very thought of her subdued his agitation, even if only for a while.
    He had to convince his mind to stop contemplating every little nuance about

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