What's a Ghoul to Do?

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Book: What's a Ghoul to Do? by Victoria Laurie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Laurie
try that, but my guess is that he'll want to be where the action is, and he won't like sitting in a van watching monitors all night."
    "But… but… but…" Gilley stammered. I almost felt sorry for him, especially when I knew how scary some of my expeditions could be.
    "No buts, Gil. I need you. End of story."
    Gilley moved over to the small table in his kitchen and, sitting down with a thump, he gave me a rather pained expression. "But what if a ghost attacks me?" he asked.
    I suppressed the urge to laugh. "Gil," I said softly. "No ghost is going to attack you. It's just Steven's grandfather, after all. I'll protect you." Gilley didn't look convinced, so I offered, "Listen, if Steven gets scared and wants out, you can leave too, okay?"
    "You promise?"
    "I promise." Just then there was a ding and Gilley jumped up from the chair. "That's our breakfast. M.J., while I get the rolls would you mind getting my slippers? My feet are freezing."
    I looked at Gil's bare feet. "Sure," I said as I headed into his bedroom. Once there I stopped short. There was a snoring sound coming from under the covers. Tiptoeing over to Gil's bed I took a closer look and saw the top of a messy strawberry-blond head. Shaking my head, I grabbed the slippers and left the room. When I had traded Gil's slippers for a steaming-hot breakfast roll, I asked, "Is that the famous Bradley in there?"
    Gil looked puzzled, then asked incredulously, "Is he still here?'
    "Yep. Snoring up a storm." I giggled as I popped a bite of bun into my mouth.
    Gilley sighed wearily. "Honestly," he said. "I mean, it was bad enough that he wanted to stay and cuddle last night, but I thought for sure I'd woken him with all the banging around I did before getting into the shower. You'd think he'd have the decency to wake up and leave, already."
    "Aww," I said, laughing at him. "A gay man's love. Is there a sweeter, more romantic kind?"
    Gil heaved a sigh and said, "You know what I think it's time for?"
    Knowing where this was going, I said, "You wouldn't ."
    "I think it's time for a fire drill," Gil said, and with that he walked determinedly into his bedroom as I followed, trying to stop him, but it was too late. He reached the head of the bed and shouted, "Ohmigod! Fire! Fire!"
    Bradley sat bolt upright from the covers, his eyes wide and panicky as he looked around the room. "Wha… ?" he managed.
    "Fire! " Gilley hollered, waving his arms wildly above his head. "My God, man! Run for your life!"
    Bradley threw the covers to the side and leaped out of bed, buck naked as he darted first one way, then the other in a clear search for his clothes. Gilley, meanwhile had moved over to the foot of the bed and was tossing a shirt and pants at Bradley. "Here!" he said, hurling a pair of shoes at the poor man. "Now get out before the smoke gets too thick!" For emphasis he added a few loud coughs.
    Bradley caught clothes, and rushed to shove his skinny legs into the pants, hopping around on one foot as he tried to edge toward the door. "What about you?" he asked as he finally got his pants up.
    "We're right behind you!" Gil said, grabbing my hand and moving quickly toward the door. Bradley dashed ahead of us, rushing through the condo until he stopped cold in the living room and looked this way and that, as it appeared he was looking for something.
    "Move, man!" Gilley shouted, waving him toward the door.
    "My keys!" Bradley said frantically. "I can't find my friggin' keys!"
    Gilley rolled his eyes and scooted over to the kitchen counter. "Here!" he said with another loud cough as he tossed the keys across the room. "Now run before we all fry to a crisp!"
    Bradley nodded and plunged toward the door that Gilley held open for him, still hugging his shirt and shoes to his chest. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. That is, until he paused a moment in the doorway and looked wide-eyed at Gilley to ask, "So you'll call me?"
    Gilley stood smugly with his hand on the door handle and all sense of

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