Revealed (The Found Book 1)

Free Revealed (The Found Book 1) by Caitlyn O'Leary

Book: Revealed (The Found Book 1) by Caitlyn O'Leary Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caitlyn O'Leary
one big erogenous zone.
    He reached around her, his hands finding her butt and squeezing, which only made her push harder against him.
    “Kali you feel so good. If I hear you say one more disparaging remark about this gorgeous pert ass, I’m going to paddle it, are we clear?”
    His words cleared the haze, and she looked at Noah, really seeing him past the fog of lust. He wasn’t teasing, he was looking at her with a serious expression. She stopped moving, but his hands continued to worship the slight curve of her butt, his hard cock pressed against her thighs.
    “Yes beautiful. You’re beginning to understand. I’m serious, and you would love every minute of it.”
    Noah moved, his lips meeting hers, his taste warm and comforting as his tongue slid sensuously against hers. This wasn’t just a kiss of passion, it was gift, a feeling of safety, of love, of acceptance and homecoming. Finally when she had no breath left, he lifted his body, pulling her with him. Pulling her off the bed, he stood her in front of the mirror. He towered behind her, his body dwarfing hers.
    Lifting her arms and he had her clasp her hands behind his neck, her breasts thrust out, unable to hide. He traced his fingers down her arms to the ladder of her rib cage, coming around to gently cup her breasts, thumbs teasing her nipples making her gasp. She closed her eyes, content to focus on the sensation and close out the picture her body made.
    “Open your eyes, love. See what I’m seeing. Look at the woman I see. Look at her sliding against me, so sensuous, so God damn hot I can’t take off my pants or I’d be buried deep inside her. The dainty figure that fires up every man who sees it. You make every man think of nothing but sex. Looking at those lean thighs makes think how they’ll grip me when I sink inside of you.”
    Kali looked at every part as he described them. What’s more, she could feel his sincerity, his passion, his need. Then she looked at his expression, and his hunger took the strength from her legs. Only his arm around her waist kept her from falling. She pressed backwards, grinding her ass in circles against his erection, and watched in amazement as he struggled to take a breath.
    Kali smiled at the satisfied woman in front of her, and realized she really had been looking at her body through a skewed mirror. She liked Noah’s mirror. She liked the mirror in front of her, the one showing a body causing the gorgeous man behind her to have trouble breathing.
    “I get it.” She turned around, wrapping her arms around Noah’s waist, surprised to hear him groan.
    “What is it?”
    She saw his gaze glued to the mirror behind her, and she looked over her shoulder and she saw what she normally would have considered her barely there butt. She watched as his big hands kneaded the pale round globes.
    “You kill me Kali. The things I want to do to you.” He bent down and nuzzled her neck, setting his teeth against the tendon, bit down, making her arch into his hold even more.
    “I want you naked.” She pulled at the drawstring of his sweat pants, and he quickly grabbed her hands in one of his.
    “You can’t, once I’m out of my pants, play time is over. I’ll be in you. I want this to last.”
    He spun her around and laid her flat on the bed. “Now where was I?” He smiled at her and Kali shivered in anticipation, not an ounce of insecurity ruining the moment. He trapped her hands in one of his while his other large hand skimmed her body and she caught fire. At the same time she relaxed knowing this man desired her, wanted her, and when he called her beautiful it was more than an endearment, it was how he saw her.
    As his finger traced the circle of her belly button he looked at her, his eyes intent. “Are you with me Kali?”
    “Oh yes,” she sighed, tugging at her hands.
    “None of that, this is my playtime.” His fingers drifted low, pausing at her navel, and she mewed in protest. He chuckled as he moved lower,

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