Twist of Fate
    Once inside, I shut the door behind us, cracked open two beers, then sat on the floor. I patted the spot next to me, but she took a seat across from me, leaning up against my bed. Paige started chewing on her bottom lip several times, then laughed under her breath. And, I could tell she was nervous. I crossed my legs at my ankles, then Paige did the same.   After a minute or so went by, and I was going crazy trying to think of something fun to do that didn't involve taking off our clothes.   Finally, I looked up at her and it was like a lightbulb went off, and everything made sense to me. "Hey, do you remember way back when that time we all played truth or dare on the beach?"
    She rolled her eyes. And, I could tell what she was thinking. Really? Truth or dare? This was his idea of fun? "Yeah, I remember."
    "What would you say if I asked you to play right now?"
    "I'd say we're not in the sixth grade anymore. Ben, I have things to do. I can't stay to play a stupid game." She started to uncross her legs to stand, but I rose up onto my knees, grabbing her hands to hold her down.  
    "I know. It's just I feel like I barely know you sometimes, but other times I feel like you've been around forever." I was so desperate, I pouted. "Please? C'mon, P? Give me your best shot."
    With her hands on her hips, she turned, suspiciously. "You'll answer anything?"
    Once I realized she was staying, I sat back down, placing my arms behind my head,   leaning back into the bean bag on the floor. "What do you need to know? I'm an open book."
    "Alright. I'll play. Truth or dare, Ben?"
    I smiled, wickedly. "Truth, and go easy on me."
    She was pondering a few questions, I could tell. "What's your major?"
    "Wow! You really know how to dig deep there. That's what you want to know?"
    She shrugged. "Why not?"
    "Environmental Engineering."
    "Yeah, hey, someone needs to do something about this damn planet. Why not me?"
    I shifted a second then scooted forward to where my knees were now touching hers. "My turn. Truth or dare?"
    My fingers rubbed my chin several times, as I contemplated my question. "Okay, you have me curious. What about you? What do you want to be?"
    "A social worker, I think. I want to help people, especially women."
    Of course, she did. Saint Paige. "Ugh! Paige do you realize how shitty the pay is? I mean they make no money whatsoever."
    "Yeah, well, maybe it's not about the money."
    "Well, you can forget about all those cute little dresses and sweaters you wear. You won't be able to afford them."
    She laughed out loud, making this evil sound as she rubbed her hands together like she was a villain in a movie. "You don't know my evil sinister plan to find a rich guy in school, dump him, and then take all his money. I'll still get my dresses and sweaters."  
    I eyed her nervously. "I'm sure you will."
    "Okay, Ben." She started twisting her hair in between her fingers in quick circles. She looked over at me, then back down, then back at me. And, I was dying to know what she'd been thinking. "This is kind of fun, but it's my turn. Truth or dare?"
    She sat up instantly, excitement in her eyes. "Really? A dare?"
    "Sure. Go crazy." I stopped to watch her, she looked so nervous, so I egged her on with little hand gestures to bring it hard. Then she slapped on this brave, stoic face.
    "Alright, tough guy." She hesitated, but kept going.   "Kiss me."
    I stared at her, then her lips, then fell back into the bean bag. "What?"
    She leaned forward, and when she did her cleavage was right in front of me. She leaned in further until she was barely an inch away. "You heard me." Even as she said it, I could barely believe how brave she was being.
    My eyes instantly scanned her exposed neckline, then I refocused and looked into her eyes. "But, why?" I asked slowly because now I was confused. It was not that I didn't want to kiss her, that's pretty much the only thing I could think of when I looked at her mouth, but why

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