Twist of Fate
now? What was she up to? Even though I wanted this, part of me was screaming not to follow through. But, how could I not kiss her? Now it was my turn to nervously chew my lip, so I did, as she crept closer.
      "I just want to see something." As she said this, I pushed up so that our mouths were almost touching each other. I studied her eyes for a brief second, looking for indecision, making sure this was what she wanted. I didn't see any, so I grabbed a hold of her waist, then smiled when she licked her bottom lip. I couldn't wait anymore. I pressed my lips softly to hers, quickly kissing her, letting myself get adjusted to her movements, and then I felt the immediate lingering warmth of her lips reacting to mine. The kiss started slow as we felt each other out, then a second later, I began to deepen it by slipping my tongue inside her mouth. It was like all those years that slipped by miraculously disappeared, and she was back to being my Paige, the one I never stopped dreaming of.   There was no hesitation as she pulled me to her, her arms went around me, and my breath caught in my throat. I couldn't believe I was finally kissing Paige Pearce. I imagined this for so long, and now that it was happening, I didn't want it to end. My hands moved underneath her shirt, wanting more. I was getting lost in her embrace, her mouth, my hands roamed around her back, and when I moaned into her mouth, she shivered.  
    Suddenly she pulled back, and I felt like a complete asshole when she pulled away, without a word. She just sat there, staring at me, then down to her hands, as she played with the hem of her shirt. I couldn't help but think I took it too fast, or did something wrong. She asked me for the kiss, not the other way around. What the hell happened?
    I was racking my brain trying to figure out if she got the answer she seemed to be looking for. I still had no clue what that something even was. I'd had this weird feeling that Paige had some feelings for me lately. And, when we first started to kiss, I was positive that I was right, but then she stopped it, which now left me more confused.   I wanted to prove whatever theory she was trying to figure out right or wrong. If I only knew what was running through that beautiful little head of hers, all this would be much easier to figure out.
    She cleared her throat. "I'm sorry about that. I should go."
    As I stood up not ready to let her go, continuing to stare her down, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. I could tell she looked conflicted, and truth be told, I wasn't ready for her to leave yet. "Truth or dare?"
    Her eyes flicked to the door like she knew she could still get out of here without causing a scene.   But, how could I let her leave when she was staring at me with those damn confused eyes?She swallowed hard. "Truth."  
    "Are you truthing on everything?"
    She sat on the edge of my bed this time. "I refuse to take a dare. Last time we played this, Tommy was in the ocean for five whole minutes, naked."
    I smiled, remembering.   "I wouldn't have done that to you. I promise. Well, I may have had you strip down, but no ocean.
    She slinked back down to the floor next to me. "Very funny." I smiled at her, trying to reassure her that what just happened was cool, and to not over think it. Because she was always over thinking everything.
    "Alright, truth it is. What's with all those damn dresses and sweaters? Why not wear comfy stuff like all the other girls?"
    "Number one, this is comfy. Number two, it makes me feel pretty."
    "That's it?"
    "Well, I could dress in shorts and tees all the time, but it makes me feel dumpy. Don't get me wrong, I do wear them, but when I put on some cute little dress, with killer panties and matching bra underneath." She shrugged.   "I don't know. I feel good about myself, sexier."
    Paige smiled shyly, then looked down at her fingers, "So, that is what's underneath, huh?" I teased, remembering her comment from a few weeks back. It was

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