Curing Doctor Vincent (The Good Doctor Trilogy Book 1)

Free Curing Doctor Vincent (The Good Doctor Trilogy Book 1) by Renea Mason

Book: Curing Doctor Vincent (The Good Doctor Trilogy Book 1) by Renea Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renea Mason
flooded my cheeks. I might have been younger than him, but I was far from a
child. His condescending tone and too-close-for-comfort comment was
overshadowed by his hand clutching the back of the seat in a vice-like grip
with our mouths only inches apart. In that moment, when I stared into his soul,
I made my vow. I would break his resolve and teach him that his games had
consequences. He was not the only one capable of seduction. I neither confirmed
nor denied his ridiculous claim.
    “Oh dear Elaine, you do intrigue me, but you know what
would delight me right now?”
    “No, Doctor, what do you want?” Would he do it? Could this
be it? Surely, it could not be that easy.
    “You can tell me how much you want me,” he whispered.
    Stan was right: there wasn’t anything small about Dr. Vincent,
including his ego.
    I laughed, while maintaining our standoff, and enunciated
the word, “Never.”
    A grin, laced with mischief, pulled at the corners of the
doctor’s mouth. “Fine. Have it your way. Marco, lift her dress and tell me how
much she wants me.”
    Marco complied, exposing me to his gaze. He placed a palm
on my heat. “She’s dripping, X. I think she likes you.”
    I did want him, but he was out of control. I let out a
breathy sigh, which I prayed caressed his just out of reach lips, as Marco ran
his fingers through my wetness.
    “What if I don’t want you?”
    Marco slid a finger between my folds and slipped inside
    I gasped.
    The doctor’s gaze was intense. His dilated pupils, flushed
cheeks and halting breaths betrayed him. “But you do. Remember, you can’t lie
to me. It might be Marco inside you, but never forget to whom you are making
love. Marco, show her.” He reached down and stroked his cock through the fabric
of his black dress pants.
    Marco inserted another finger and set a rhythm that was
certain to undo me.
    I gasped. Marco reached up and fisted his other hand in my
hair, yanking my head back, exposing my throat. The jostling of the car drove
him deeper inside as I felt the doctor’s hot breath caress my ear. “He’s
fucking you with my permission. This week you are mine. No matter how good he
feels, it’s my face you’ll remember.”
    I bit my lip. Marco drove me hard. Slamming his hand
against my clit with each stroke. With each slap a grunt escaped. “What do you
want from me?”
    “Your passion.” He licked his lips. “And anything else you
are willing to give me.”
    Marco removed his fingers and replaced them with his
mouth. His tongue slid between my folds on its journey to my clit.
    I bit my lip and “Fuck,” escaped on a breath. It felt so
    The doctor moaned, while gripping himself through his
pants. “God, that is so fucking sexy.” He adjusted himself. “Come for me.”
    Marco’s fingers rejoined the action. Son of a bitch, he
was good.
    One more thrust and the doctor’s wish was fulfilled. My
back arched further and I gripped the seat. Marco tightened his grip on my hair
and a squeal tore through me, while my body clenched down on Marco’s hand.
    Marco mumbled, “So fucking tight,” as he forced entry
through my ecstasy, urging me deeper into bliss, only to stall with soft
caresses from the inside out.
    “I…ah… I’m…I…I’m” The flood of pleasure over came me and
I closed my eyes, savoring the feel of Marco’s work.
    The doctor finished for me, “Beautiful. That’s what you
    Through my deep breaths and lust-filled head the words
escaped, “ If
beauty doesn’t make me worthy of your touch, Doctor, what will?”
    He didn’t pause. “It’s not about worth. You are priceless.
Like a piece of art or gem behind museum glass. Admired by all. Exquisite.
Treasured. Collected.”
    Such pretty, dangerous words.
    Marco removed his hand and lowered my dress.
    I took the seat beside him. Patting Marco’s leg in
appreciation, I uttered one word. I couldn’t let him do this to me. Allowing Dr.
Vincent to become anything other

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