always go back into the other room and find my own clothes. But if I never saw that cell again, it would be too soon.
    He wrapped his arm around me. “Let’s go outside and wait.”
    I snuggled into him and felt a sudden peace settle over me. As long as I was with him, I knew I could get through anything.

Chapter 12
    I t had been two weeks since Claire’s kidnapping. One week ago, the clan disciplinary committee banished Vince from our clan and sentenced him to twenty-five years in the state shifter penitentiary. It was the place they sent shifters who failed at rehabilitation.
    No one was sad to see him go. Not even Mathew Daniels, Melinda’s fiancé.
    According to Mathew, he’d let Vince and one of his logging buddies borrow his car, and they’d been the ones to tamper with the security of the house. His story seemed plausible, but I still didn’t trust the guy. He wasn’t as squeaky clean as he appeared to be. But since Melinda was no longer my problem, I’d let it go. Meanwhile, Vince had maintained all along that the break in was a prank, even though we all knew it was to keep me busy while he went after Claire.
    The clan elders had issued an official apology to Claire for not consulting her about being matched with Crane. She’d accepted but had asked them to stop the arranged matches. Her request had fallen on deaf ears, but they did agree to let her make her own match.
    Not that they had a choice.
    Anyone with eyes could see that Claire and I were already mated.
    It just wasn’t official yet.
    “Ready?” she asked as she floated into the room wearing a floor-length red dress. Her hair was up in a loose bun, curls spilling out around her glowing face.
    I clasped my hand in hers, pulling her closer. “You’re gorgeous.” I peeked down her dress, admiring her ample cleavage. “The things I want to do to you right now...”
    She laughed. “Nope. We’re going to this enchanted ball. It’s part of our getting-back-to-normal plan.”
    “There is nothing normal about going to the Bearly Enchanted Ball in Basin Bayou,” I said, making a face.
    “Hush. We’re going. End of story.” She tugged on my hand, leading me toward the door.
    I followed along like an obedient cub. After the last few weeks together, I’d learned it was impossible for me to deny her anything. If it was a dance she wanted, then so be it.
    Thirty minutes later, we were walking into the dance hall, and I spotted Chase at a table in the back, talking intently with Katrina.
    “I didn’t know they were coming,” Claire said.
    “Neither did I.” I led her over to their table. “Good evening.”
    Chase glanced up, appearing startled. “What are you doing here?”
    “I was just about to ask you the same.” I raised one eyebrow and glanced at Katrina. She averted her eyes and focused on the dance floor.
    “Just a bit of business.” Chase stood. “I needed to ask one of the elders about a security issue. Nothing pressing.”
    “No? Couldn’t wait until tomorrow?” If it wasn’t pressing, what was he doing at the dance dressed in a suit?
    “It could have,” he said. “But the hall was on my way. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to stop for a few minutes.” He gave Claire a nod. “You look nice.”
    “Thanks.” She smiled. “So do you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a suit.”
    His face turned red as he flushed. Jesus. He wasn’t here for the elders at all. I studied Katrina and noted the way he hadn’t looked at her once since we’d arrived. He was here for her.
    “Anyway. I should get going and let you two...well, do whatever you do at clan dances.”
    Claire laughed. “Dance. You should try it sometime. What do you say, Katrina? Do you dance?”
    She gave Chase her full attention as she said, “Sure.”
    But he was either too dense or too stupid to notice, because he shoved his hands in his pockets and took a step back. “Well, don’t let me stop the fun. Claire.” He nodded at her then turned to

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