clan elders will say. If you kill—”
    I leaped and caught him, taking him down with minimal effort. Placing one paw in the middle of his back, I held him down and lowered my muzzle to his neck. All it would take is one bite, and that’d be the end of him.
    “Claire, please,” he begged.
    I blew out a breath, letting him feel the hot air on his neck. Making sure he knew just how easy it would be for me to put him out of his misery. I was just about to clamp my teeth over his flesh, as one last warning, when the front door slammed open.
    A large black bear rushed in, followed by Cole Doucet.
    My heart soared. Even though it had been years since I’d seen Cyrus in his bear form, I’d know him anywhere. It was the bond. The mating bond. I felt it deep in my chest and buried in my soul. We belonged together, and nothing Vince had done had changed a thing between us.
    I pressed my paw harder into Vince’s back, but lifted my head to acknowledge Cyrus and Cole.
    “Looks like she has this all under control,” Cole said, smiling at me. “Well done, Claire.”
    Cyrus stopped beside me, glanced down at Vince, and then lowered his head as he let out a low and sinister growl.
    Vince started to tremble.
    I let out a laugh that sounded more like a guffaw in my bear form.
    “Jesus. He looks like he’s going to piss himself,” Cole said.
    I had to agree.
    Cole came to stand next to me, pulling out a dart gun. “If you move to the right, I can get him in the ass.”
    “What?” Vince tried to rear up, but my heavy paw kept him in place.
    “Oh forget it.” Cole shot him in the shoulder, and in the next instant, Vince went limp. “The ass would’ve been more fitting, but one does what they have to.” He grinned and put the gun away.
    Cyrus leaned into me and nuzzled my neck. The gesture was soothing and intimate at the same time. All I wanted to do was curl up next to him and sleep for hours.
    “I can give you some privacy if you want to shift,” Cole said.
    Cyrus nodded his big bear head.
    “Sure thing.” Cole dropped the duffle bag he’d been carrying. Clothes are in there. For you, too, Claire.”
    Cole left, and a few moments later, Cyrus and I stood next to each other, both of us completely naked. He wrapped me in his arms, thoroughly unconcerned with the state of our dress.
    “Thank God you’re all right,” he said into my ear, nearly crushing me to him.
    “How did you find me?” I asked, not really caring about the answer. All that mattered was that he was there.
    “Long story. But once we realized Crane had you, it was just a matter of tracking down the right property. Turns out, his mom owns this place.”
    “He certainly doesn’t own anything,” I said, just to contribute to the conversation.
    “You doing okay? Are you hurt?” He pulled away and inspected my body, presumably looking for bruises or other signs of abuse.
    “Just sore muscles. It took a lot of strength to pry my way out of that giant cage.”
    His eyes narrowed. “That bastard put you in a cage?”
    I nodded. “That didn’t last long, though.”
    “Piece of shit.” Cyrus walked over to his limp body and kicked him in the ribs. Twice.
    I watched dispassionately. After what he’d done to me, he deserved what he got. I only hoped that after everything was said and done, he’d be out of our lives for good.
    “Here.” Cyrus handed me a pile of clothes. “Cole probably already has the clan enforcers on their way. It’d be better if we’re dressed when they get here.”
    I smiled at him. Shifters rarely got worked up about nudity. It was just a part of life. “Feeling a little possessive are you?”
    “After finding out some other bear abducted you? Hell yes. Now cover up. I don’t want anyone else getting any stupid ideas.”
    I chuckled and stepped into the oversized sweats and T-shirt.
    “Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t have time to pick up any of your things.”
    “Don’t worry about it.” If it bothered me I could

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